Thursday, September 24, 2015

I am the time....

I thought of you , my light, my love, my precious, .............

We were never separated .........

Disappeared in the dimming light  ,,,,,

Dissolved in the nature aroma....

My Watch stopped ...

Time is never in the past, and never will be in the future...

I am the time....

While the diamond shined , shimmering into your eyes....

Can you hear the echo of my heart beat?

Resonated with my pearl neckless....

Our smile synchronized....

Breathing the unuttered words.....

No sound, No barriers .... only incense smoke launching into the space....

Yes, We were never separated....

She is you, I am you, You are I , I am you .....

Feeling of pain,
Feeling of joy,
Feeling of exhaustion,
Feeling of jealousy,
Feeling of loving,
Feeling of being loved...
Feeling of penetrating,
Feeling of letting go,
Feeling of amusement.
Feeling of deprived...
Feelings of sadness...
Feeling of desire....
Feeling of unification....
Feeling of satisfied....

I don't need to search for you....., as I have been searching for more than 10 years...

My love, my light, my precious....

You are who you are, who I am ....

People call you God, Atman, Brahma  ...

yet, You are still the uncontrived, unaltered nature ....

You are the Emptiness quality of my Buddha Nature,


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