Thursday, September 24, 2015

I am the time....

I thought of you , my light, my love, my precious, .............

We were never separated .........

Disappeared in the dimming light  ,,,,,

Dissolved in the nature aroma....

My Watch stopped ...

Time is never in the past, and never will be in the future...

I am the time....

While the diamond shined , shimmering into your eyes....

Can you hear the echo of my heart beat?

Resonated with my pearl neckless....

Our smile synchronized....

Breathing the unuttered words.....

No sound, No barriers .... only incense smoke launching into the space....

Yes, We were never separated....

She is you, I am you, You are I , I am you .....

Feeling of pain,
Feeling of joy,
Feeling of exhaustion,
Feeling of jealousy,
Feeling of loving,
Feeling of being loved...
Feeling of penetrating,
Feeling of letting go,
Feeling of amusement.
Feeling of deprived...
Feelings of sadness...
Feeling of desire....
Feeling of unification....
Feeling of satisfied....

I don't need to search for you....., as I have been searching for more than 10 years...

My love, my light, my precious....

You are who you are, who I am ....

People call you God, Atman, Brahma  ...

yet, You are still the uncontrived, unaltered nature ....

You are the Emptiness quality of my Buddha Nature,


Monday, September 21, 2015

Love Poem ~~ by Dalai Lama 6th

Dalai Lama 14th and Penor Rinpoche 





上师啊!您像慈母一般地呵护着我,拥抱我在您温暖的怀中,感觉到您的悲泪掉落我的脸颊,滋润我的心。您的慈悲培育我的菩提心,就是这一件事, 我感觉到师恩难酬。永远都是这样的想,想,想。每天都忍不住,任何语言没有办法形容,很自然地就已经把自己的生命交在您的手里,随时准备为您献出一切。(供曼达)

上师啊!无论我俩分隔千山万水,不管是天涯海角,我的心永远陪伴着您。 想念一个人的滋味就像热恋的情侣,受着期待的煎熬。开始想起相处的日子里的所有情节,哪怕一个小小的话语都能引起我无尽的回忆,回忆起那些甜蜜的感觉。想念就像心房里长满的牧草,即使是微风轻轻的拂过,也能引起哗哗的响,脑海里回荡着全是您的声音,全是您的笑语,全是您的一切。您的容貌一次又一次出现在面前,还是那么亲切,随和,但却无法亲近。您我既然已天各一方,为什么心里丝毫不能平息,反而日益热烈,爱慕的心怀,一天比一天增加呢?我记起来了,这就是爱,是完全的臣服,像波浪和海洋是一体的,彼此的组成是一个整体,互相融合,忘却了各自的认同,只剩下隐隐约约的韵律……

嗡阿吽 班札古鲁 貝瑪悉地 吽!(上师相應)
HH Karma Kuchen, HE Mugsang Kuchen 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

When I first met you ~~~~



Devotion ~~~

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Compassion Meditation you can do everywhere ~~

"Meditation Instruction: Tonglen"
Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo @JALPalyul teaches how to do this compassionate practice

The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:
I would like to show you one more technique that you can use. This is a very common technique. It’s a sending and receiving, but with a slight variation.
The first time that I met His Holiness Penor Rinpoche,  this was the first thing he told me to do. His Holiness asked me, “Do you wish there to be no more suffering?”
“Of course! Of course, this is my only wish.”
Then he said, “As a Bodhisattva, will you take on the suffering of others, if you have the opportunity?”
I said, “Of course!”
And then he said, “Do you think if you do, that it will harm you?”
I said, “No, of course not. How can love harm somebody? That’s ridiculous!”
And he said, “Well, I’ll tell you, when you have faith in the Three Precious Jewels, the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, and you align yourself with the great purpose of the Bodhisattvas, then you have nothing to fear.” And he said, “In that case, let me teach you how to practice.” He said, “Every breath that you take, every moment that you walk around, your breath is a cycle of OM, AH, HUNG.”
OM. We take in the suffering, no matter what it is, of all sentient beings, no matter who they are. We breathe it in. OM.
AH —is the space between the inhale and the exhale. AH is an immediate meditation on non-duality with the Three Precious Jewels, an immediate meditation on the nature as it is—inseparable, indivisible, free of concept. So there’s that meditation. AH.
And then, HUNG. Breathe out all of the virtue and merit that you and all practitioners have accomplished in the past, in the present and in the future. (This is like a spiritual credit card deal. You get to borrow on what you hope you’re going to do later).
So it’s OM, I take in the suffering of all sentient beings. I’m not separate. AH, I rely on the Three Precious Jewels. I am inseparable from the Three Precious Jewels. I rely on the strength of the Three Precious Jewels. And I am that. HUNG, I offer all of my virtue and merit, all the good I have ever accomplished in the past, present, and future, for the liberation and salvation of all sentient beings, every breath.
To walk past poor people, different colored people, people of different religions, and breathe in their suffering, breathe it in, really breathe it in. Hold your place, hold the line. Hold your place as a representative of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on this earth with confidence, vajra courage. Then breathe out to them all of the virtue and merit that you have accomplished in the three times. Every breath of your life. It’s very, very hard to do at first because you get a little obsessive. OM-AH-HUNG, OM-AH-HUNG. People that have practiced watching the breath realize that once you start watching the breath, the breath starts acting weird. But little by little, you practice and you get through that. It becomes a very natural, sincere and very deep intention. Freely, I take on. Spontaneously, I abide naturally. Freely, I offer what I have. In a way, you become like a circle, inseparable from all that is, inseparable from others. You have the sense, eventually, of breathing for them, of inhaling and exhaling for them, of carrying them, of being completely inseparable from them. In that meditation, you find yourself just singing, ‘I love you.’. Is it okay for a Buddhist to say something, oh I don’t know, gushy? Yes it is. Because although the Buddha used different words, like compassion, in the west we are more familiar with the word ‘love.’ And so, to hold ‘all that is’ within you and from that place of mystical awareness, instead of painting a picture, ‘I love you,’or an affirmation, ‘I love you,’ to know from the depth of your being, ’I love you,’ it will change your life. And it will change our community if we begin to practice in that way.
Here we are asking for recognition. Not just saying the words. Not just doing the practice. But recognition. This is a different step. If we are going to be potent in our spiritual lives, and if Buddhism is going to be a potent force in this world, that’s where it has to start. And the great thing about spiritual practice is that there is no time better to start it than right this minute. I’d like to invite you to participate in that.
Now you know my everlasting practice. This is what I do all the time, because my teacher told me to, and I wish to repay his kindness. So I’m doing that all the time. I also find that when I meditate in a mystical way, and experience, accept and awaken to the inseparability and non-duality of all that lives—the sameness, the equality of all that lives—I’m always inspired, because there’s nothing else but to offer all that I have—my feet, my legs, my torso, my arms, my neck, my head, everything—for the liberation and salvation of all sentient beings. This is how to be moved by your practice, to be deep in your practice. This is why you’re wearing the robes, because you are ministers. It’s hard for us to understand because of the cultural change, but you are ministers. Make circumambulation around the Stupa. Pray to Guru Rinpoche as sincerely as you can that this pact that you have made is sealed. Pray that you will accomplish this. Pray that you will be a spiritual voice in a world that is longing to hear such a voice.
Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo All rights reserved

Monday, September 14, 2015

21 Wealth Deities ~~~ By HE. Mugsang Kuchen Rinpoche

21 Wealth Deities  Newly Published CD ~~~   By HE. Mugsang Kuchen Rinpoche


Check this out !!





本專輯由 明珠多傑意化身 法王子穆松古千仁波切及南印度白玉措嘉謝拉達吉林寺阿尼僧眾唱誦。

Best Japanese Garden Restaurant in Taipei ~~~

" I believe , if you have ever given each other with whole hearted love, this love will always remain. " Quote from a friend Kelly,  at a Japanese Garden in Taipei 💗🌷💝🌲💟🍶 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Happy Chinese Valentine's ~~

Love is as vast as the space..... We are never separated .... 



after 七夕情人節 

The Way of Bodhisattva ~~~


After Thought ~~


From 鎢金智美堪布:


So Beautiful in Norway ~~~~

Norway ~~~~ SOooooooooo Beautiful !! I can spend a whole week here looking at the mountains and clouds ~~~~~ Now I understand that the environment does affect the mood and tranquility of our mind !! I am so Happy without any second thoughts ~~~! 

I will definitely come back for the awesomeness of the creator …., well, the nature :):) !

Click for Paranoia View !! 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Girl in Red ~~~~

走在台北shopping 街頭,



Angel 還沒有宗教狂熱到當場傳「福音」⋯
 — feeling cute.

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's Speech

Bless me! May my health be good so I can help many beings.
 Bless me! May all that enters my mind lead me to the dharma.

~~ Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche 

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's Speech:


Speech from Penor Norbu Rinpoche

Concentration and Compassion with no attachment ~~~
H.E. Mugsang Kuchen Rinpoche 





Tiffany's Wall in New York City ~~~

It was originally on the Wall of Tiffany's in New York City ~~ So Pretty  ~~~ 

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York ~~~~ 

I guess I will not have any chance visiting Egypt in my life ~~~ so this is it ~~ :):)

Imagination in Peninsula ~~~~

Peninsula Hotel in Shanghai ~~~

I love this exquisite bathroom so much , where you can switch the atmosphere into spa mode,  as the dimmed colored lighting, relaxing music and bubble jacuzzi will indulge your senses ~~~

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircled the world!! ---- Albert Einstein