Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Am I Pina Bausch ???

Why am I suddenly interested in her?
Well  ....   I took a psychological test about my inner self , which resulted in I am Pina Bausch insight me....! :)

 Therefore,  here it is: The Mother of Modern Dance Pina Bausch!

Film : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1440266/

The Dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfoheZr5gbc#t=102

“To understand what I am saying, you have to believe that dance is something other than technique. We forget where the movements come from. They are born from life. When you create a new work, the point of departure must be contemporary life -- not existing forms of dance.” 
― Pina Bausch

I am not interested in how people move, but what moved them.  --- Pina Bausch

What are you longing for? --- Pina Bausch

Life is birth, death , Struggle, desire, love, depression, longing, separation, reunion, passion , .....

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