Saturday, January 25, 2014

"The Hunt" 2013 : Lies that will hunt you forever ~~~


If a lie  becomes a malicious gossip which may hunt you for the rest of your life, are you going to be so trustful to the human innate nature of dishonesty and devilishness?

When a hunter himself becomes the hunted, his world turns into hell from heaven.

Lucas, portrayed by Mads Mikkelsen, a respectable school teacher, and also a hunter who was loved by everyone including adult friends, kindergarden children, had never done any wrong deed in harming anyone in town (only hurt the  hunted deer ) but was innocently shot by an intentional word bullet ignited by a lovely angel girl !

Who is responsible for this mistake and mess?
Do his friends actually believe he is a pedophilia ?

One responsible person is the little girl .
The most important responsible party is all the adults in town. And they do not know what to believe but choose to believe in evil.

The director gave the audience an omnipotent perspective of this film, so that we know the truth and the fact that Lucas was innocent from the beginning. As the story developed, the audience can feel his anxiety, his pain, his anger, his resentment, his baneful disappointment, and helplessness. As the rhythm of this film went so enormously enchanting  and the audience felt deeply empathetic for Lucas,  it was mostly caused by this omnipotent story telling arrangement. How to tell a story is so potent in making a thrilling and touching film, and the Hunt has done so.  Mikkelsen, needless to stress, was a score 10 actor, who charms audience with his confident smile at the beginning, then his agony and lost in the middle, and at the end, he regained his smile but with reserved and sad grimace.

People are more prone to believing in vicious accusation toward others, no matter how they affiliate with each other. In this film, we see these town people do not want to discover the truth, but they like to exaggerate and magnify the imaginary, never existed evil details created by children ....

This observation is also true in real life. How many times have we believe in the media trumpeting these false gossips about celebrity people, false accusation of political policies, and business projects?
Who is responsible for these lies and messes that had done harm to them?
The media, the spreader , and ourselves!

Mads Mikkelsen born in 1965, is a Danish actor. Originally a gymnast and dancer, he began his career as an actor in 1996. He rose to fame in Denmark as Tonny the drug dealer in the first two films of thePusher film trilogy, and in his longest-running role as a brash yet sensitive policeman in Peter Thorsboe's Danish television series Rejseholdet (Unit One) (2000–2003).Mikkelsen became more widely known internationally for his role as Tristan in Jerry Bruckheimer's production King Arthur (2004), but is best known worldwide for playing the main antagonist Le Chiffre in the twenty-first James Bond film, Casino Royale (2006) He has since become known for his roles as Igor Stravinsky in Jan Kounen's French film Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky (2008) and his Cannes Film Festival Best Actor Award-winning role as Lucas in the 2012 Danish film The Hunt

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