Monday, March 11, 2013

Accept Whoever inide you!

 A~~~ Acceptance is the Bridge. 

@ Accept the Pain , accept the wounds, accept yourself as you are ! Don't try to pretend to be somebody else; don't try to show that you are not this! 

@ Don't be egoistic, and don't go on pre-tednding and laughing while your heart is crying ....

@ Don't smile if your eyes are full of tears.

@ Don't be inauthentic, because by being inauthentic, you are simply protection your wounds from being healed. your whole being will become tortured. 

@ Accept Whatever Happens Outside....   
    Accept Whoever inide you! 

接受,是一道橋樑, 第一道通往真理與解脫的橋樑!



因為如果你偽裝了,你隱藏了,你只不過是保護著你的傷口, 不讓它有機會癒合!

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