Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Where East meets West !!!

透視中國 1。敦煌,絲路之旅!
敦煌,自兩千兩百年起,一個西方與東方交會的地方,一個藏存了佛像石窟佛教文化歴史的戈壁沙漠. 近年來,已發展成為全世界前幾大的太陽能發電的新能源城市!!

🍎Summer time in the Home Theater : China Revealed 1 , Silk Road !
Duan Huang , stood in the Gobi dessert , where the East and West met , the precious Buddhist sculpture Caves preserved since 2200 years ago , has engaged itself into a world prominent solar energy city in recent years !!

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