Thursday, July 13, 2017

GRE words in sentence 2 ~ Welter

1. Welter: n. v. commotion , in the situation of turbulent and confused,

....for it contributed powerfully to widen further the licence of highway robbery, pillage and arson, the ruin of homes, the driving off of settlers, marauding expeditions, attacks on towns, outrages in short of every kind, that made the following months a welter of lawlessness and crime, until Governor Geary - by putting himself above all partisanship, repudiating Missouri, and using Federal troops put an end to them late in 1856.

2. Calumny : Slander, Libel , defamation , a false accusation ,

Silence never shows itself to so great an advantage, as when it is made the reply to calumny and defamation, provided that we give no just occasion for them.

3. Noisome : adj. malodorous,  unpleasant,
I wiped away the weeds and foam,I fetched my sea-born treasures home;But the poor, unsightly, noisome thingsHad left their beauty on the shore,With the sun and the sand and the wild uproar.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

4. Flag : to become tired , fade, weaken
He becomes flagging after running for 3 hours of marathon !

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