Wednesday, July 12, 2017

GRE Words in sentence 1: Bats in the Belfry ~

GRE Prep

1 . Bats in the Belfry : being eccentric

 You cannot believe a word she say because she is bats in the belfry.
 Galileo is said to have conducted his revolutionary experiments with falling objects from the off - kilter belfry.
 The pastor at St. Vincent's Cathedral stands in the belfry , tries to coax the birds into the arched window.
 Don't say such silly things, Tom. People will think you have bats in your belfry.
Everybody said that the old man had bats in his belfry.

2 .  Abeyance : A state of being Temporary Suspension 

Immediately following the terrorist attack, pilots had to observe a period of abeyance where they could not depart from the airport.
Once the famine was over, the food rationing dictated by the government was put in abeyance.
Until after the murder trial, the inheritance will be placed in abeyance.
Trading on the stock market has temporarily been put in abeyance while the trade commission investigates financial misdeeds.
Jane’s cancer has returned after being in abeyance for nearly two years.
Due to budget cuts, employer contributions to retirement accounts are being put in abeyance.

3.  Substantiate : to Prove

To get a good grade on the research project, you must substantiate your report with provable facts.
How do you plan to substantiate your right to inherit the billionaire’s fortune?
Even though the defendant could not substantiate his alibi for the night of the murder, he was still found innocent of all charges.
The nosey old lady was unable to substantiate the allegation her neighbors were drug dealers.
If you do not substantiate your scientific theories with facts, the members of the scientific community will disregard all your ideas.

4.  Eschew : to Avoid

True vegetarians eschew food items that come from living animals.
Even though I love coffee, I have chosen to eschew the beverage because of the damage it does to my teeth.
Twenty years ago the recluse decided to eschew society and settled down on a deserted island.
As part of their commitment to God, the nuns have chosen to eschew materialistic items.

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