Monday, July 31, 2017

13 Representative works of Picasso's

Picasso's major stylistic phases as described by a variety of Picasso scholars, writers and critics.
The main phases of his Picasso's art were:
1. Blue Period (1903-5). Sad, gaunt people in gloomy settings, and then circus and harlequin subjects. The predominant colour is a melancholy blue.
Example: "Harleqins family" 1906.

2. Rose Period (1905-6). Romantic, delicately treated subjects in pale pink. Example: "The two brothers" 1906.

3. Cubism (1907-25, includes the Proto-Cubist, Analytical and Synthetic Periods). Natural forms were changed to geometric-like shapes. Distortion and multi-view figures in mainly dull colours.

Examples: "Guitar" 1913, "Three Musicians" 1921.

Three Musicians is a perfect example of Picasso's Cubist style. In Cubism, the subject of the artwork is transformed into a sequence of planes, lines, and arcs. Cubism has been described as an intellectual style because the artists analyzed the shapes of their subjects and reinvented them on the canvas. The viewer must reconstruct the subject and space of the work by comparing the different shapes and forms to determine what each one represents. Through this process, the viewer participates with the artist in making the artwork make sense.

4. Neo-Classicism (1920-30). Heavily-built

sculpturesque Grecian women. Example: "Three Woman at the spring" 1921.

5. Surrealism (1926 onwards). Dream-world compositions. Example: "Drawing for Guernica" 1937.

6. A style reminiscent of stained glass (1932 onwards). Grotesque conventionalized and disjointed forms outlined with thick black lines. Examples: "Interior with girl drawing" 1935.
7. A style with strong expressionist elements (1938 onwards). Subjects that anticipate the terror of war and reveal the conflict in his mind. Double images and extreme distortion. Example: "Two women by the sea". 

At one stage he appeared to be influenced by Negro sculpture His first consideration in artistic expression is form.
Even when his Cubist paintings bear a resemblance to objects, we must not look for realism in the usual way, but we should aim at deriving satisfaction from the patterned compositions of fragmentary and overlapping shapes. Sometimes we wonder what an object or a head looks like on the other side and we walk around to see. Similarily, certain paintings of Picasso's show both the front and the side of a person or object. The painting "Three Musicians'' is often referred to as the last great work of Cubism.

Friday, July 21, 2017

A Fun Place to Visit in Summer !!!

午后走進了「社交場」"Arena " , 在台北市立美術館~~~
不論此展覧是否展現了藝術家本身試想表達的人文「共生」觀念,或是與世界聯接與融合的臨場感,Angel 的確在這個展覽台上,玩得很開心 !!!🎡🏖🏖🏜🍭
大家可以去玩玩, 不論少年青年兒童成人⋯, 都會很興奮愉快唷 !😘

At Taipei Fine Art Museum !!! 

What Do you see in these Expressions? A Psychology Test

By Lucio Fontana 

Trauma ....Holes....Stigma ....
on Pretty and Beautiful environment ....

A friend of mine interoperated this Dark Sky as Stars in the night indicating aspiration and hope !! I love that while I had a different feeling about this dark night, where I saw a circle of light keeping circulating, trapping, and repeating itself, cannot escape itself ....!

Perhaps these interpretations reminded me the essentiality of perception in mind, as I may alter to perceive the universe with a  more optimistic , and vigorous attitude !!

Everything is Mindset !!!!!

Best Birthday Wine !!

Happy Birthday !!!!

It takes a long time to become young. Pablo Picasso

2002 Rose ~~

1978 La Mission has Sweet PuEr Tea and Cigar Aroma ~~ Amazing !

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Japanese Dinner with family ~

「盛夏和風宴」 !
大廚特別自Tokyo Grand Hyatt前來, 和牛和龍蝦 很棒!

at Grand Hyatt Resident ~~~ 

Where East meets West !!!

透視中國 1。敦煌,絲路之旅!
敦煌,自兩千兩百年起,一個西方與東方交會的地方,一個藏存了佛像石窟佛教文化歴史的戈壁沙漠. 近年來,已發展成為全世界前幾大的太陽能發電的新能源城市!!

🍎Summer time in the Home Theater : China Revealed 1 , Silk Road !
Duan Huang , stood in the Gobi dessert , where the East and West met , the precious Buddhist sculpture Caves preserved since 2200 years ago , has engaged itself into a world prominent solar energy city in recent years !!