Friday, May 5, 2017

Art of Library Buildings !!!!

Stockholm Public LIbrary  1922-28

What is Knowledge to you ?

Power, Wealth or Happiness ? 

Why do You Read ?
What is Knowledge to You?
Communication? Self Awareness?
Power? Wealth? or Happiness ?

While Library collects a traceable stream of human cultural development, human beings are no longer satisfy with a mere warehouse structure or a personal amusement decoration in building one! Architects around the world had been undertaking the artistic evolution through classicism , to modern, minimalism, into a totally new concept of the 21st century.
While reading is an inner personal experience, next time, when I go into a library, I would open my senses, emerging myself into the environment , and enjoy a total heart communicating experience with the author of the books and the architect who designed this work of art !!

特別感謝 🙎‍♂️黃增榮 教授帶領我們走過千年的歷史軌跡,探索世界各地 十五座大型圖書館的風貌。

Angel 下回到圖書館不是只有看書呢,還要用身體感覺,打開五官感受建築師的用心!!!
St. Gallen Monastery Library , Swissland 18 ct. 
Struttgart City LIbrary , Germany Un Young Yi 

Tama Art University , Tokyo 

LIke a Forest, National Taiwan University 

Tama Art University 
Bibliothequel Natonal Paris 1995, Dominiqy Penault 

by Toyo Ito 

Seattle Central  Library 

Exeter LIbrary  , New Hampshire, USA,  Louis Kahn, 1989

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