Friday, October 28, 2016

The most surprising restaurant in Tokyo !!!

星野 ~~
The experience at Hoshinoya was so enticing , as every Dish surprised me , not only the pretty presentation , but also the taste and creativity !!

This New hotel is located at the center of Tokyo , where many new bars, restaurants and high end boutique were filled with stylish people , not tourists of course.  The most unique feature has to do with taking off your shoes as soon as your entering the hotel , which was at first quite awkward  for me ; however, perhaps this is one of the characteristics of being Japanese way of living if you stay in this particular hotel.

虹夕諾雅東京 (星のや東京)
住址: 東京都千代田區大手町1-9-1  
TEL :0570-073-066

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