Monday, October 31, 2016

How to be happy all the time ?

It was a four day meditaion class of the Joy of Living ,  where I have reviewd the basic of two most important essences of meditation: Awareness and Compassion !!  While these two  themes remind us to be mindful at every moment  and be appeicative for every thing that was bestowed and constructed around us in the universe!!

I am very thankful to Mingure Rinpoche's teaching ~ 
And of course, to constantly Practice is the most important thing !!!!!

這就好像口渴時,喝再多的海水,也🈚️法止渴!--- 明就仁波切「明心之旅」
Whether you are wealthy or not , all depends on your perception of mind ! 
If you feel you have all the things you need already , you are a rich person ; if you always feel there is something lacking in your life , you are definitely in poverty .
Actually in real sense of existence , even though you are abundantly wealthy in material, if you possess infinite Desire and Craving, you are in fact a poor person lives like a beggar in destitute , as if you would feel constantly thirsty , while drinking salt water from the sea ! --- Mingur Rinpoche

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