I am very thankful to Mingure Rinpoche's teaching ~
And of course, to constantly Practice is the most important thing !!!!!
🈚️法止渴!--- 明就仁波切「明心之旅」

Whether you are wealthy or not , all depends on your perception of mind !
If you feel you have all the things you need already , you are a rich person ; if you always feel there is something lacking in your life , you are definitely in poverty .
If you feel you have all the things you need already , you are a rich person ; if you always feel there is something lacking in your life , you are definitely in poverty .
Actually in real sense of existence , even though you are abundantly wealthy in material, if you possess infinite Desire and Craving, you are in fact a poor person lives like a beggar in destitute , as if you would feel constantly thirsty , while drinking salt water from the sea ! --- Mingur Rinpoche

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