Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Best Ring Performance !!!!!

New National Opera House !!
昨日午後出席了「台中國家戲劇院」的開幕音樂會!演出華格納「萊茵的黃金」。呂紹嘉指揮NSO, 音樂很震撼,表演精彩,還有 O show 水舞的現場感。來自西班牙的導演操作現代科技,讓新落成的劇場展現無限的想像與可能~! 絕對比電影好看!
Will you sacrifice love for wealth and power ? While love brings you youth , and immorality , wealth and power bring you endless worries and destruction.

Composer Wagner spent 15 hours of music to tell this story of Gods ~~~😇😇😇 The Ring Cycle ! This is the first part of the cycle : Das Rheingold!

😉Gladly I supported the Grand Opening Concert for the "National Opera House in Taichung " , which was worwhile ! 😉😉😍😍

The entire opera , was successfully staged and performed by the NSO conductor Mr. Lu and the Spanish theater director , Mr. Carlus Pardrissa and many talented musicians from Spain and Taiwan such as Eri Nakamura , Rosewitha Muller and more ..! It is so surrealistic , futuristic , fashionable , creative , highly visual , highly technological , and the music was well performed with enthusiasm, fluency and passion !

The Human Catsle 

THe Golden RIng 

Thanks to Charlei Chan 

Futuristic ~

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