Monday, October 31, 2016

Night View of Tokyo ~~~

How to be happy all the time ?

It was a four day meditaion class of the Joy of Living ,  where I have reviewd the basic of two most important essences of meditation: Awareness and Compassion !!  While these two  themes remind us to be mindful at every moment  and be appeicative for every thing that was bestowed and constructed around us in the universe!!

I am very thankful to Mingure Rinpoche's teaching ~ 
And of course, to constantly Practice is the most important thing !!!!!

這就好像口渴時,喝再多的海水,也🈚️法止渴!--- 明就仁波切「明心之旅」
Whether you are wealthy or not , all depends on your perception of mind ! 
If you feel you have all the things you need already , you are a rich person ; if you always feel there is something lacking in your life , you are definitely in poverty .
Actually in real sense of existence , even though you are abundantly wealthy in material, if you possess infinite Desire and Craving, you are in fact a poor person lives like a beggar in destitute , as if you would feel constantly thirsty , while drinking salt water from the sea ! --- Mingur Rinpoche

An Astonishing Chinese woman's memoir of China during our time ~~~

下午的讀書會談齊邦媛老師的「巨流河」,滿滿的情感在八十年的記憶中,家國及私人的愛恨情仇在字裡行間內孕育展現。Angel 實在佩服作者的記憶與文字的精萃,不過,若是我不斷的如作者的回憶,也許是整理思緒,反省自我,情感的融入或是抽離,我必須再次誠實的面對每一個人事物,修行好時學著感恩,修行差時,便是再次創傷。寫作這樣跨時代的回憶録,需有勇氣,覺醒的勇氣!只是緬懷過去,太過人間走一遭的無奈~~~😚😙


Friday, October 28, 2016

The most surprising restaurant in Tokyo !!!

星野 ~~
The experience at Hoshinoya was so enticing , as every Dish surprised me , not only the pretty presentation , but also the taste and creativity !!

This New hotel is located at the center of Tokyo , where many new bars, restaurants and high end boutique were filled with stylish people , not tourists of course.  The most unique feature has to do with taking off your shoes as soon as your entering the hotel , which was at first quite awkward  for me ; however, perhaps this is one of the characteristics of being Japanese way of living if you stay in this particular hotel.

虹夕諾雅東京 (星のや東京)
住址: 東京都千代田區大手町1-9-1  
TEL :0570-073-066

The Happiest Flight in the World ~~

Hello Kitty Flight initiates the entire trip a happy start !!
Smile ~~~~~~

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Breath Taking Inspiring Film ~~ Everest !

What is your dream in life ? Follow your heart and never let go !!

One of my favorite Double 10 Holiday films ~~ "Everest " , which is absolutely a breath taking one ! 

人因夢想而偉大! 日文片" 聖母風,眾神的山嶺" 中,羽生丈二那句經典台詞:「因為我在,所以我爬。」隠喻著,唯獨挑戰,才能讓人有前進意義 !!

Can you  see Gods among the mountains ?

A Rising Star of Hier to Liszt !!!!!!!!

Russian pianist Daniil Trifonov extends his Deutsche Grammophon discography with yellow label’s first ever recording of Franz Liszt’s complete concert Études

“Daniil Trifonov proves himself an heir to Liszt” Washington Post

“Without question the most astounding young pianist of our age” The Times (London) 

😇😇 李斯特超技巧練習曲之夜~~
🎼❤️I was at a concert of Liszt Transcendental Etudes performed by Mr. Lifshitz . He was well appreciated by the audience ; however, personally I prefer Kissin , Arrau or even the young rising star Trifonof ! Because you can hear the musicality , the lyrical structure , various textures , variety of touches , tones , unity of an art, depth and more ..., not only speed and sonority !
Trifonof : ❤️😉


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Lovebirds live in my Heart ~~

穿上這件绣著小鸚鵡的上衣,想起我飼養的愛情鳥,維維,靈靈 ~~

I am wearing a special shirt , in memory of my lovebirds, WieWie ,Lingling 。Life is so short and unpredictable , let's cherish every moment when we meet , either on air or in person ~~ 💌😙💗

The Best Ring Performance !!!!!

New National Opera House !!
昨日午後出席了「台中國家戲劇院」的開幕音樂會!演出華格納「萊茵的黃金」。呂紹嘉指揮NSO, 音樂很震撼,表演精彩,還有 O show 水舞的現場感。來自西班牙的導演操作現代科技,讓新落成的劇場展現無限的想像與可能~! 絕對比電影好看!
Will you sacrifice love for wealth and power ? While love brings you youth , and immorality , wealth and power bring you endless worries and destruction.

Composer Wagner spent 15 hours of music to tell this story of Gods ~~~😇😇😇 The Ring Cycle ! This is the first part of the cycle : Das Rheingold!

😉Gladly I supported the Grand Opening Concert for the "National Opera House in Taichung " , which was worwhile ! 😉😉😍😍

The entire opera , was successfully staged and performed by the NSO conductor Mr. Lu and the Spanish theater director , Mr. Carlus Pardrissa and many talented musicians from Spain and Taiwan such as Eri Nakamura , Rosewitha Muller and more ..! It is so surrealistic , futuristic , fashionable , creative , highly visual , highly technological , and the music was well performed with enthusiasm, fluency and passion !

The Human Catsle 

THe Golden RIng 

Thanks to Charlei Chan 

Futuristic ~