Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Future City : Metabolism Architecture


"Metabolism" was an architectural movement committed to the future development of urban and architectural exploration, a forerunner of contemporary Japanese Architecture movement. The only architectural movement to have begun in Asia, it has played an influential role in the development of international architecture.

The main idea behind this movement emphasized that cities and architecture should exist like living organisms that keep growing, reproducing and transforming in response to their natural and social environments.

It was established by a group of young critics , architects and designers, including 丹下健三 Tange Kenzo ,Kurokawa Kisho 黑川紀章,菊竹清訓Kikutake Kiyonori  and Maki Fumihiko 慎文彥who participated in the 1960 " World Design Conference" held in Tokyo. Their vision of declaration stated , " Not only should we accept the history of metabolism, we should also actively encourage metabolic development of our city.

The Objectives of this movement are focused on  Prefabricaion and Capsule Architecture , of which had a tremendous influence on the development of the future architectures in the city design in the world. 預鑄建築,膠囊建築

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2. Sky House to Sky City

3. Kurokawa Kisho Nakagin Capsule Tower Building  1972
黑川紀章 "中銀膠囊大樓 "
國立代代木競技館(Yoyogi National Gymnasium)

4. 黑川紀章,東京國立新美術館

佔地 3 萬平方公尺的的國立新美術館是黑川紀章 2007 年完成的設計大作,這個位於東京六本木區的美術館,以波動起伏造型的玻璃帷幕構成壯麗建築外觀,正面玻璃窗為建築內部帶入充足的光線,不帶能省電也能創造內部多重的光影變化,在設計上,黑川紀章使用了慣用的圓錐元素,像是入口的圓盤連接三角錐,以及在大廳為空間帶來壯闊感受的兩座倒圓錐體(如右下圖),在倒圓錐的頂部更分別設置了咖啡廳與米其林三星餐廳。 

5. 稹文彥  "新加坡理工學院校園"
   Maki Fumihiko , Republic Polutechnic Compus, Singapore

6. 菊竹清訓 太陽能屋,層構造預製件

樹木的生長型態也是菊竹清訓構思垂直群落的靈感來源,他曾於1968年提出「樹狀居所」(Tree-shaped Community)的都市住宅概念,「樹狀居所」是以建築中央之主結構體為核心,向外生長出數個由梯田型態所組成的居住群落,每5個樓層形成一個基本群落生活單位,中央結構體內部則配置了提供每個居住群落使用的公園空間,形成一種綠地立體化,甚至是垂直森林的空間樣貌,而此般高空綠化的觀念,在當代的建築裡已成為常見的設計手法,菊竹清訓在1994年完成的作品「東京索菲特飯店」(Hotel Sofitel Tokyo),在建築外觀上也採用了近似於「樹狀居所」的型態概念。

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