Friday, October 18, 2013

Once we were so Close, and yet so far...

It is a city of variance; 
It is a city of congruence.
It is a moment of light;
It is a moment of darkness.
Once we were so close,
And yet so far...

When time goes by distance, awareness transgresses its boundaries.
Love is so formidable that
breaches every principle of one's belief . 
Is that the flexibility of mind?
Or the suppression of one's own personal quality and charisma?
Or the practice of non self?

It is the age of innocence;
It is the age of mundane. 

The question is 
how can you live as happily hereafter as all the reoccurrence of drama and trauma in time.

Emptiness and Truth cannot be separated ! 

If I can still understand what I just wrote when I awake in couple hours, I will be one step toward enlightenment I pray...
 — feeling sleepy.

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