Saturday, June 15, 2013

How does your comforting zone deceive you?

我們擁有極大的能力針對我們的"無知"幾乎完全的忽視。 --- from "快思慢想"

"Our comforting conviction that the world makes sense rests on a secure foundation: our almost unlimited ability to ignore our ignorance." 
― Daniel Kahneman , Thinking Fast and Slow 

However, I do believe it is so suffering by knowing the truth, and at the same time, accepting the fact and calamity that incur in any incident and concept.

The comfort zone does provide much more security, although the one that may be false and fictitious.
We do prefer living in the comforting zone while we actually think we hate lies and deception.

Isn't that so? 

By the time, we discover the truth, which  we previously subconsciously  knew and denied, 

we shall suffer a long period time of chaos and self-denial. 

A comfort harbor in Asia .....

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