Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Debussy : From Dawn to Noon on the Sea , Abbado

A typical performance of this piece lasts about 23 or 24 minutes. It is in three movements:
  1. (~09:00) "De l'aube à midi sur la mer" - très lent - animez peu à peu (si mineur)
  2. (~06:30) "Jeux de vagues" - allegro (dans un rythme très souple) - animé (do dièse mineur)
  3. (~08:00) "Dialogue du vent et de la mer" - animé et tumultueux - cédez très légérement (do dièse mineur)
Usually translated as:
  1. "From dawn to noon on the sea" or "From dawn to midday on the sea" - very slow - animate little by little (B minor)
  2. "Play of the Waves" - allegro (with a very versatile rhythm) - animated (C sharp minor)
  3. "Dialogue of the wind and the sea" or "Dialogue between wind and waves" - animated and tumultuous - give up very slightly (C sharp minor)

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