Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Michelangelo's Sexual Allusion ....



Michelangelo ( 1475- 1562 ) :
 "Art must appear to have been created effortlessly. "

Beauty as the sign of a pure soul, but is also the beauty of man created in the image of God. Genius always has contradictory temperament that the ability to express whose overwhelming anxiety  and sensuality lies in his formidable master pieces of art.

I do not hold skeptics of his belief that much physical sexual contact with the opposite sex would sabotage the purity of beauty and soul. Being an ascetic artist as Michelangelo, every posture of his human sculptures and paintings seems in motion it self, which tells a story, a vast insight of the certain phenomenon.

No matter the masterpiece tells a story in the Genesis, apocalyptic, or other works,  which are created to portray the beauty of human physical features. His character never stands still but develops a direction either in his eyes or his hand / body movements. The movements were in tortured, in joy, in sexual allusion, in intellect ignition, or in the spirit of redemption.

As I admired her facial feature and beauty from afar, I discovered it was a He indeed. Aiming to achieve a spiritual and physical perfection as the artist did, he devoted his entire life to the church, especially in Sistine Chapel ( 1508-1512 ) and St. Peters during his late years until 1562 his death.
Adams of Creation

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