Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sounds and Furry......

" Sounds and Furry :
搖滾樂可能改變世界嗎?"   ----    張鐵志

If you think Rock and Roll music is about Romance and Love,  personal feelings and aggressions,

you are on the wrong track. Since 60's,  popular music has become a massive tool for social and political propaganda, especially in labor force and white collar class.

It is all about Anti War, Class Revolution, Labor Force payroll and education , Human right equality; now is about anti war, Anti Globalization and environmental concerns.

 1960 the Beattles
1962 Bob Dylan  ---- "Blowing in the Wind "
1965 Joan Baez ----  Institute for the Study of Nonviolence
1970's Sex Pistols
1980's R.E.M. , U 2 
1989 Billy Bragg ----  "Joe Hill "
1992 MTV and "Rock the Vote"
1995 Beattles Billy Bragg --- "Rock the Dock"
1996 Oasis --- Support "Cool Briannia"
1999   Bono of U2 ---- "Rage against the Machines" , support  NGO "Jubilee 2000 Coalition" Drop the Debt, Anti Globalization Protest
2000 Bombtrack --- " The Battle Against Los Angeles "
2001 Coldplay ---- "Make the Trade Fair "
2003  小野洋子Yoko Ono 在"村聲雜誌"刊登全版廣告Imagine Peace ...Spring 2003 , 企圖喚起大眾對John Lennon 那首反戰名曲Imagine 的記憶。

In the 90's Prodigy said " Great Britten was exampted from another Social Revolution, because of the popularity Ecstasy. "

In 2003 , Webster Hall, New York,  Billy Bragg, Steve Earle, and Lester Chambers joint a concert called " Tell Us the Truth" , aiming to awaken people's awareness regarding all the issues they have called upon in their furry and sounds . Although Sounds in Records or Concerts will not change the world, it will definately express the social furry whenever it concerns, no matter whether the issues they try to promote may or may not be righteous at the time. 

Billy Bragg wrote:

So Join the Struggle while you may

The Revolution is just a T- shirt away
Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards ! 

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