Saturday, December 28, 2013

Love in Taipei ~~

This is a season of appreciation, rejoice, and reunion with our love ones and my musical Christmas Tree !! 

On this  special date.. ~~

Friday, December 27, 2013




 — at Deloin.

Luncheon with good friends ~~~~ TC, VH, PL. VY, CK

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Blue Jasmine ~~ A Life Struggle

凱特.布蘭琪(Cate Blanchett)是當代最會演戲的才女,伍迪.艾倫(Woody Allen)的新片《藍色茉莉(Blue Jasmine)》因為有她獨挑大樑,伍迪式的神經喜劇有了傳人,時髦女性進退失據的徬徨無助,更讓人深繫同情。
破題有神,是一部精彩作品的必備條件,《藍色茉莉(Blue Jasmine)》的破題就既有神又有趣。

凱特.布蘭琪(Cate Blanchett飾演的Jasmine/茉莉是穿名牌、戴名牌用名牌的時髦女郎,開場就是她在頭等艙內向鄰座女郎誇耀先生有多愛她,當年兩人如何在「Blue Moon」的歌聲中定情...有問有答,顧盼自得間,優雅與奢華成了她刻意經營的身段與姿態。直到飛機落地,觀眾這才明白:鄰座貴婦不是她的仰慕者,而是她朱唇一啟就再也停不住了,只好應酬一下;而Jasmine的落腳地也不是大飯店或豪宅,只是平常公寓...原來她已落魄,昔日王謝堂前燕,飛入尋常百姓家了。



住慣豪宅的Jasmine,要怎麼窩進妹妹Ginger(由Sally Hawkins飾演)的狗窩?房間格局小是其一,Ginger還有兩個小孩,還結交了談吐粗魯的勞工男友Chili(由Bobby Cannavale飾演),Chili不但毫不情面地揭露Jasmine破產敗家的往事,甚至還不時要向Jasmine介紹比他更粗鄙,涎臉黏纏,但求一晌貪歡的「炮友」,不悅、不屑和不耐的情緒充份顯現在她的表情和肢體反應上,但是她不敢、不能,也不願就這樣撕破臉,為了生活,她必湏低聲下氣;為了翻身,她必湏忍氣吞聲等契機。驕傲的孔雀如此別無選擇地墮落風塵,誰不好奇?


姐姐Jasmine屬於大家閨秀般的優雅茉莉,清香自適;妹妹Ginger則是小家碧玉的小薑花(Ginger Lily),香氣不遑多讓,只是多了點樸拙,但根莖塊薑卻也另有發熱祛寒的療效,這也說明了高貴的Jasmine一旦落難,會去投靠Ginger。用花語敘事,或許並非伍迪.艾倫的創作始意,但是花語卻也是理解《藍色茉莉》的巧門旁徑。bj003.jpg


「飄零的落花」初始歌詞唱的是:「想當日梢頭獨佔一枝春,嫩綠嫣紅何等媚人」恰恰呼應了Jasmine與夫君HalAlec Baldwin)揮金如土的奢華人生,但是Jasmine為何會「不幸攀折慘遭無情手,未隨流水轉墮風塵」?卻也成為全片熬到最後才真相大白的謎團,究竟是誰懷了薄倖惹她傷心,讓她成「無主任飄零」的落花,而她又能「向誰去嗚嗚咽訴不平」?


另外,她還是鴕鳥達人。明明品味與格調與妹妹的前夫Augie(由Andrew Dice Clay飾演)與現任男友Chili完全不對盤,卻不說破,又躲不了,和稀泥的虛偽成性,不但苦了自己,更註定了她故意忽略丈夫的花心,更不願接受丈夫的真相告白,也無法向新男友竭誠以告,這個性格缺撼,跡近悲劇理論的「tragic flaw」,個性決定命運,一旦壓力臨身,註定激情失控,錯誤與悔恨並肩而來,只能坐視大江東去了。




From  藍色電影夢

Sunday, December 22, 2013

What is the Light within ? Inspired by 17th Karmapa

No matter you like me or not....

I am smiling at you,

giving you warmth and light !

Watching 17th Karmapa's video ~~~

at Ritz, Taipei

Saturday, December 21, 2013

A serious and beautiful story ~~~




  (novel),  (screenplay)

This is a serious discussion about how you are going to treat a manmade human being. How do they conceive the notion of responsibility and contribution from childhood education and never had a though to rebel the system? 

Are we human beings similar to them that we are so content in living our lives in Samsara and never though of emancipate and transcend to other higher realm or even to eternal life? 

" Never Let Me Go"  is a not only a lyrical romance, or science fiction,  but also a soft warning for the related institution in considering moral values and ethics awareness ! 

How do you call yourself a human being? Is it because you have a soul? or Is it because you are naturally conceived by human beings? or is it because the authorized institution constitute the law to make you so ? At the end, we feel so sad and wonder that are we the ones who have feelings and souls or are those characters in the movie? This is a sad but beautiful film portrayed in a special light effect that has a reminiscent and fantasy quality. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

2013 Charity Ball, Taipei

" 常羨人間琢玉郎, 天應乞雨點酥娘。
自作清歌傳皓齒。風起, 雪飛炎海變清涼。
此心安處是吾鄉!!  "

Angel 看來,都只是政治鬥爭,媒體炒作新聞。
資本主義與共產無資產的鬥爭, 想把台灣企業界架上台。。。


Monday, December 16, 2013

Birthday at De Lion, Taipei with Mouton 1996 ~~

Chateau d'Yquem 1997 
Gu Gan Painting 

1996 Mouton  Rothschild  

Thank you, my dear friends! To receive a special gift is always the most  heart warming feeling on my birthday, beside the fine jewelries, fashionable accessories, beautiful luncheon , dinner,  my favorite wine, and a handmade 3 D birthday card !! I am so grateful ! May all be joyful, healthy, and spiritually free at each moment in life! HUUUGS ! 

Angie's Rating : 100 pt for d' Yquem 1997 
98 pt for Mouton 1996

Monday, December 9, 2013

Surprisingly Good ~ Facon Restaurant in Taipei

Facon ~~


All Rating : 7. 7
Food : 8.0    Ambiance: 7.0
Decor: 7.0    Creativity: 8.5
Service: 7.5   。。
Price : Dinner Set Menu NT$2300 -- 3800 
           Lunch Set Menu NT$1100 -- 2000

地址 :

Life is too short to wait ~

Life is a challenge - meet it. 
Life is a dream - realize it.

Life is love - enjoy it.

at 石門。。。

Sunday, December 8, 2013


感謝劉少雄教授 ~~~

1 江城子: 借年年明月寫出了無限哀悼的深情!



葉嘉瑩,較論東坡與李白, 區分了仙而人,和人而仙,個性之差異。

東坡雖然亦有波仙之稱, 但如果與這一位敵仙太白比起來,則東坡之稱乃人而仙者,所以他的人的煩惱,反而正可憑藉幾分飄忽的仙氣得到解脫。
而李白是個自由的孤獨的靈魂,瀟灑的天才,原就不該受此庸俗之塵世的種種是非成敗,甚至禮法道德的束縛  ,顧稱為仙!然而誕生為人,自又無法不生活於周圍的社會人群,  因此他時常飲酒,生活於種種人間範疇之中  !

2 水調歌頭:由明月觸發的離恨轉化為超矌的精神 !


3 蝶戀花: 多情的困擾。。。。

笑見不聞聲漸悄 ,

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Leonard Bernstein Letters


If you want to understand classical music (and maybe even musical theater) in the 20th century in America, you have to understand Leonard Bernstein, who was classical music's public face for 30 years. He was its champion and indeed without him, it's unlikely that high European culture would have had nearly the influence it did in America during my childhood. All those piano and violin lessons kids took back then (which seem to have been replaced by soccer practices since Bernstein's death) would not have been. There are no Leonard Bernsteins today. The public has lost its love and interest in complex music. For me, this is a sad state of affairs, and reading this book of letters brings to the fore the beauty of what people are missing.

Leonard Bernstein was a titan, an irrepressible charismatic figure who lived his life fully in every way. A globetrotter, a composer, a Zionist, a leftist, a musical theater creator, a performer, and, of course, a conductor, it's truly dizzying to read his letters and be confronted with the scope of his achievements, energy and intelligence straight on. He was superhuman in what he accomplished. I am in awe.

There is warmth and insight in these letters. Famous and obscure people of the late 20th century come and go through these pages. There are friendships that last decades and some that flame out. There is, not infrequently, a showbiz-I-love-you-man tone in these letters, as well. My one quibble about this collection of letters is that the less than savory and very messy parts of Leonard Bernstein's personal life have been mostly edited out. Leonard Bernstein was a genius, but he wasn't at all a saint. In many ways, he was a flawed and tragic figure and much of that is gently alluded to rather than shown on the page. That all said, this collection is a must read for anyone interested in classical music.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Smile is the Warmest Gift in the Winter ~~~~

"Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height.
Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches.

Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. But both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be the roots. In fact it is always in proportion. That's its balance of the universe. "

Friday, November 29, 2013

Wine and Chocolate ~~ Surprisingly well ~~

This was the First time I tasted Wine and Chocolate together ~~~~~

Surprisingly Riedel Glass really made a " huge" difference in drinking the same bottle of wine, and it influenced the flavor of the food as well !!

I would categorize Burgundy, Pinot Noir as one kind, Syratz another, and the Merlot, Cabernet Sauvigant as the third group, so that you use three different kinds of glass....

How does it make a difference? Because it is all physics! The width of the rim of the glass will control the flow of the liquid going into your mouth touching a particular area of your tongue's pallet! 

At the tip of tongue is the sweet taste, which will be using for tasting a light, fresh and flowey wine such as Burgundy; at the root is the bitterness, which will be using for a taste that needs all concertration and roundness; at the surrounding side the acidity taste, and at the middle is the salty taste, thus you use the whole tongue to feel the rich aroma and full body of a Bordeux wine.  All of these were addressing about the choice of glasses we use. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Mexico's Mazatlan Mojo is back ~~

Mexico's Matzalan 
Deer Island 

Tourism quickly picks up again in the famous beach retreat's Golden Zone~~

A favored beach retreat since the 1940's, Mazatlan has been shunned lately, tarred by the same brush that paints the country as crime-ridden and unsafe. But now, 2013 is shaping up as the town's best year in a decade. $6 million has been allocated for tourism from the US and Canada .

Friday, November 22, 2013

Beauty will not fade in the stage of Nirvana ~~

My favorite  , Robucheon 






Thursday, November 21, 2013

What is beyond the universe ?

It is very sad that life goes on and on ...
Life After death ...there is another life...
soul after soul...
consciousness after conscious ...
Only if  I can go beyond the rules of the universe....
Only  if I shall attend enlightenment ....
I will not be bound by the boundaries....
Only if...

I always wonder how come he is so happy always....

He said in the truth, at the end, you do not need any teacher, any Guru, because all the truth  is within yourself, in your own heart. 11/26/2013

My Guru, MungSang Rinpoche

法王子 穆松古千仁波切

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Live Performance on DaVinci's Violia Piano!

A bizarre instrument combining a piano and cello has finally been played to an audience more than 500 years after it was dreamt up Leonardo da Vinci.
Da Vinci, the Italian Renaissance genius who painted the Mona Lisa, invented the ‘‘viola organista’’ - which looks like a baby grand piano – but never built it, experts say.
The viola organista has now come to life, thanks to a Polish concert pianist with a flair for instrument-making and the patience and passion to interpret da Vinci’s plans.
Full of steel strings and spinning wheels, Slawomir Zubrzycki’s creation is a musical and mechanical work of art.

‘‘This instrument has the characteristics of three we know: the harpsichord, the organ and the viola da gamba,’’ Zubrzycki said as he debuted the instrument at the Academy of Music in the southern Polish city of Krakow.
The instrument’s exterior is painted in a rich midnight blue, adorned with golden swirls painted on the side. The inside of its lid is a deep raspberry inscribed with a Latin quote in gold leaf by 12th-century German nun, mystic and philosopher, Saint Hildegard.
‘‘Holy prophets and scholars immersed in the sea of arts both human and divine, dreamt up a multitude of instruments to delight the soul,’’ it says.
The flat bed of its interior is lined with golden spruce. Sixty-one gleaming steel strings run across it, similar to the inside of a baby grand.
Each is connected to the keyboard, complete with smaller black keys for sharp and flat notes. But unlike a piano, it has no hammered dulcimers. Instead, there are four spinning wheels wrapped in horse-tail hair, like violin bows.
To turn them, Zubrzycki pumps a pedal below the keyboard connected to a crankshaft. As he tinkles the keys, they press the strings down onto the wheels, emitting rich, sonorous tones reminiscent of a cello, an organ and even an accordion.
The effect is a sound that da Vinci dreamt of, but never heard; there are no historical records suggesting he or anyone else of his time built the instrument he designed.
A sketch and notes in da Vinci’s characteristic inverted script is found in his Codex Atlanticus, a 12-volume collection of his manuscripts and designs for everything from weaponry to flight.
‘‘I have no idea what Leonardo da Vinci might think of the instrument I’ve made, but I’d hope he’d be pleased,’’ said Zubrzycki, who spend three years and 5000 hours bringing da Vinci’s creation to life.

Read more:

Monday, November 18, 2013

Nobel Prize Winner ~ " 蛙 " 1 : 莫言 的自我內心的探索


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

An Identity Searching in the Tibetan Suitcase ~~~

Tibetan Suitcase !!!

The Author Tsering said he was compelled to write a novel, in which he went through a journey of searching his own identity. 
You can read those exile Tibentan's  identity confusion of being a Tibetan, an Indian, or an American, and the spiritual hunger in the novel, on top of those political uprising of independence in Tibet. 

Meeting with the author after reading the book was an exciting and insightful experience. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Berlin Philharmonic's Rite of Spring Inspiration ~~

今晚是柏林愛樂在台北演出的第二場!親眼看見主席指揮家Simon Rattle 臉上投入的表情,,及熱烈嘶吼,實在是此場「春之祭」最令 Angel 感動的時刻!當然無懈可撃的切分節奏,銅管樂嘹亮,令全場秉息的層次乾淨的聲響,專注及細膩的弦樂,等等⋯文字無法形容。。

小提琴家 樫本大進Kashimoto 演出Prolofiev Violin concerto No1 ,很有味道!

Rattle 爵士説:「教育計畫提醒我們,音樂並非奢侈品,而是我們根本的需要。音樂應是每個人生活中一個重要且不可或缺的元素。」


Tonight was the second concert that Sir Simon Rattle conducted the Berlin Philharmoniker in Taipei. From where I was sitting, I can see the total devotion in his facial expression and his shouting, beside the striking syncopated rhythm, the enormous sonority of winds and brass, and the delicacy of strings, it was the most touching moment of this performance " Le Sacre du Pritentemps". No words can describe a live performance !

Solo Violinist Kashimoto gave a very exquisite Prokofiev Violin concerto No1.

Sir Rattle said: "The education programme reminds us that music is no mere luxury , but instead a fundamental need. Music must be a vital and essential element in life of each individual !"

This is the primordial idea of its digital concert hall for Berliner Philharmoniker !

 — at 國家音樂廳 National Concert Hall.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Let's fight all the obstacles !!

You know what you want, but you must make sure others around you realize that you have your own needs as well. Hold to your plans but free your mind to create all that you need.