Saturday, December 21, 2013

A serious and beautiful story ~~~




  (novel),  (screenplay)

This is a serious discussion about how you are going to treat a manmade human being. How do they conceive the notion of responsibility and contribution from childhood education and never had a though to rebel the system? 

Are we human beings similar to them that we are so content in living our lives in Samsara and never though of emancipate and transcend to other higher realm or even to eternal life? 

" Never Let Me Go"  is a not only a lyrical romance, or science fiction,  but also a soft warning for the related institution in considering moral values and ethics awareness ! 

How do you call yourself a human being? Is it because you have a soul? or Is it because you are naturally conceived by human beings? or is it because the authorized institution constitute the law to make you so ? At the end, we feel so sad and wonder that are we the ones who have feelings and souls or are those characters in the movie? This is a sad but beautiful film portrayed in a special light effect that has a reminiscent and fantasy quality. 

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