Sunday, November 10, 2013

Berlin Philharmonic's Rite of Spring Inspiration ~~

今晚是柏林愛樂在台北演出的第二場!親眼看見主席指揮家Simon Rattle 臉上投入的表情,,及熱烈嘶吼,實在是此場「春之祭」最令 Angel 感動的時刻!當然無懈可撃的切分節奏,銅管樂嘹亮,令全場秉息的層次乾淨的聲響,專注及細膩的弦樂,等等⋯文字無法形容。。

小提琴家 樫本大進Kashimoto 演出Prolofiev Violin concerto No1 ,很有味道!

Rattle 爵士説:「教育計畫提醒我們,音樂並非奢侈品,而是我們根本的需要。音樂應是每個人生活中一個重要且不可或缺的元素。」


Tonight was the second concert that Sir Simon Rattle conducted the Berlin Philharmoniker in Taipei. From where I was sitting, I can see the total devotion in his facial expression and his shouting, beside the striking syncopated rhythm, the enormous sonority of winds and brass, and the delicacy of strings, it was the most touching moment of this performance " Le Sacre du Pritentemps". No words can describe a live performance !

Solo Violinist Kashimoto gave a very exquisite Prokofiev Violin concerto No1.

Sir Rattle said: "The education programme reminds us that music is no mere luxury , but instead a fundamental need. Music must be a vital and essential element in life of each individual !"

This is the primordial idea of its digital concert hall for Berliner Philharmoniker !

 — at 國家音樂廳 National Concert Hall.

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