Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Happy Valentines Day with a Perfect Score Wine !!

I  Love this Wine 🍷, which

Robert Parker 100 points !! 

Chateau Montelena , Napa Valley , 1997 !!!

In my personal opinion, as French wine is my all time favorite, with less acidity and more sweetness, in comparison with French wine, I prefer this wine than the famous Opus One , for its long standing richness of aroma , lily, grass, plum , chestnuts , and  the end smoky flavor. 

Happy Chinese Valentines Day !❤️❤️❤️
 — at Taïrroir 態芮.

All the appetizers , including Foie Gras and Bamboo Flowers,  look eye catching and taste delicious, but the fish did not meet my standards of freshness, while the  steak really needs lots of improvement, for its tiny size and roughness, and inappropriate blend of scallion sauce !! Well ~~ I believe the Chef in Tairror always improves himself in creating new innovations as well as tasty food, as we hope the he can up grade the quality of both main dishes.  

Guests do not have any other choice but one dinner set course in the menus of Tairror, which makes it crucial to serve excellent main dishes; otherwise, the dinning experience becomes somewhat disappointing at the end ! 

Friday, August 25, 2017

The Best Culinary Class in Taipei !!!!!

Made our own PITA bread !!! 

Spanish dish !!! 
Gastrojoy !!!! 

Chicken Roll 

Creme Brulee 

The Truth about staying Beautiful !! :)

How to loose FAT ??

Under what circumstances , will our  body burn fat  ???  

If we experience any weight lost, most of the times, we loose water and lean muscle instead of fat . So, to aim the key target , we need to expose ourselves into the following situation : empty stomach, hunger, excessive exercise, and weight training !! 

WHY ? Our body will not burn fat unless the following hormones are present   !!

1. Ghrelin, the hunger hormone. When Empty Stomach , the longer the better ~~
2. Noradrenaline. When Excessive Exercise ~~
3. Lipase. Cold Temperature, under 10 C for 30 minutes ~~
4. Glucagon. When Empty Stomach , staying in low blood sugar ,  ~~
5. Human Growth Hormones. When Old Muscle is obstructed, Weight Training !

From " Brain Revolution " Dr. 春山茂雄

1)胃肌素 Ghrelin , 飢餓賀爾蒙。「空腹」時分泌!
2)去甲腎上腺素Noradrenaline, 「劇烈運動」時分泌。

3)脂肪酶 Lipase , 「寒冷」時分泌。10度以下低溫待30分鐘。

4)升糖激素 Glucagon , 「空腹」時,極低血糖時分泌,必須控制食慾。

5)生長荷爾蒙 Human Growth Hormones , 「重力訓練」,破壞老肌肉再生時分泌 !


From "新腦內革命" 春山茂雄博士

What Animal are you in ..?

Hahaha, What a Game ~~ !!!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Just a thought , you can fly ! ~ Another good film !

Just a thought , You can fly !!!! 

As soon as Mary Poppins flew in through the window, the world was lightened  up by her delightfulness !!
 Saving Mr. Banks can be categorized as a Soul Searching Film !!

 Nobody every thought that this happy and inspirational Disney musical film Mary Poppins , produced in 1964, harboured a sad childhood memory of the author, PL Travers !  
The modern film Saving Mr. Banks  2015 , staring Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson, portrayed a rigid, demanding and severe process in making this musical possible during 60's ! 

Nevertheless, Mr. Banks, resembled the figure of her beloved father,  is not the one who needs to be saved in reality, PL Travers in fact should be the one, whose life has suffered formidably in confusion after the death of her loving but irresponsible father. 

This is a touching story of delivering the ideal of balance between fantasy and practicality  ! Everyone was surprised with her characteristics of stubbornness and cruelty,  as PL Travers depicted a loving, fantastic and comic illusion in her book , Mary Poppins! How Walter Disney, our beloved Dreamer,  actualized  her dream , and presented the Wonderland to the world  would be the other highlight in the movie !

If you perceive the world with opened mind and loving compassion without much expectations, if you courageously confront the challenges in your life, you will magically transform your dream into reality !! 

  • Bert/Mr. Dawes Sr.: Winds in the east, there's a mist coming in, like something is brewing, about to begin.
  • Mary Poppins: In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.
  • Mary Poppins: "I never explain anything"
  • Mary Poppins: Just a spoon-ful of sugar helps the medicine go down.

  • Monday, August 14, 2017

    Nordic Hotel Experience ~

    Lovely Nordic Evening ~~

    Since a Michelin 2 stars chef was here , we paid a visit !

    As I can  recall, my favorite was the wine :):):)

    2003 Clos de la Roche , Smoke Hey, 
    2009 Meursault , Mineral 

    The atmosphere was too Casual but quite artistic I may put , as I love the artistic carpeting and a high wall book shelf vey much  ~ 

    Hotel S ~

    Follow Me ~~ on a the full moon night

    " 夜 "
    我是詩魂的 響導,


    Happy Summer Posing ~~~~ 
    Hi ~~ From a Tropical Glance !!

    Red on a full moon night ! 

    Room with a Palm Tree View ~~~ 

    I cannot open my eyes ~~ :) 

    Peaceful Eclipse Night ~~ 
    at the Hong Xi Westin Resort Over looking the Da Xi Golf Course !!

    Wednesday, August 9, 2017

    Awakening !!

    Awakening !!

    How far from birth to death, is in the length of our breath
    How far from confusion to consonance,
    when comes a sudden chance
    How far from love to hate, you can't anticipate
    How far from then or now, when laughter spreads somehow
    How far from you and me forgiveness only
    How far from heart to heart, the sky to the earth

    從生到死有多遠 呼吸之間 
    從迷到悟有多遠 一念之間 
    從愛到恨有多遠 無常之間
    從古到今有多遠 笑談之間
    從你到我有多遠 善解之間
    從心到心有多遠 天地之間
    當歡場變成荒台 當新歡笑著舊愛
    當記憶飄落塵埃 當一切是不可得的空白
    人生是多麼無常的醒來 人生是無常的醒來

    Tuesday, August 8, 2017

    The Thousand Buddha Caves Exhibition in Taiwan !!!!

    來到臨摹的敦煌千佛洞 ⋯⋯,
    有多虔誠的心念才能打造出這些動人的佛像與佛教藝術文化 !!!
    I was so impressed by the delicate Artistry and deep Devotion manifested in these statues and murals in the Thousand Buddha Caves !!! at 敦煌風華再現特展.

    佛陀,阿難,文殊菩薩,普賢菩薩,增長天王,多聞天王! — a敦煌風華再現特展.

    Tang Dynasty 

    Add caption

    Story in Sutra 

    莫高窟(Dunhuang Caves)俗称千佛洞,被誉为20世纪最有价值的文化发现、“东方卢浮宫”,坐落在河西走廊西端的敦煌,以精美的壁画和塑像闻名于世。它始建于十六国的前秦时期,历经十六国、北朝、隋、唐、五代、西夏、元等历代的兴建,形成巨大的规模,现有洞窟735个,壁画4.





    Friday, August 4, 2017

    The Best Night View in Taipei !!!

    屋頂上    " The Top " ~~~~~ 
    Taipei sleeps so early
    As if I cannot hear a murmur on the street ...
    When I walk on The Top of Yangming Mountain ,
    There is still scattered sleepless lights amidst the clear sky ,
    After a voracious hurricane yesternight... 

    Angel's Dream ~~ Ist Dream

    ~~Angelina Lee

    3 Operas in an afternoon ~~~ Schichi and More !!

    Puccini' Il Triticco ~
    浦契尼 三部曲~

    Angelina Lee 😍 NSO 今年精采的連續演出了三部Puccini 的歌劇," Il Trittico "主題 環繞著「愛與死」,實在是兩個永不分離的元素。星期天的午后,遇見許多朋友,在一連串的激情肅穆笑鬧中愉悅度過 ~
    😍Puccini' Il Triticco ~

    Three operas feature their subjects around Love and Death , that can be interpreted in various ways , detrimental , sacrifice , repentant, or materialistically realistic !! One is passionate , one is heartbroken with Heaven grace , one is comical !! 

    I had a lovely Sunday afternoon , met several friends , enjoyed the NSO and the Opera singers 
    who gave an excellent performance ! 
