Monday, June 12, 2017

The Best Young Female Pianist ~~~ Miss Avdeeva

🥇聆聽第二位女性蕭邦鋼琴大賽冠軍得主,Miss Avdeeva 精彩演出,兩首鋼琴協奏曲!!一首精巧細緻的, 另一首戲劇而詩意的詮譯,很喜歡! 👏👏👏👏👏

🎯2010 Chopin Piano Competition Winner Miss Yulianna Avdeeva performed two concertos tonight !!
😍😍Her Mozart was absolutely delicate and beautiful , where as her Tchaikovsky was astonishingly poetic , precise and invigorating !! 
 Bravo !!!!! 

Before concert at Trattoria , 戲台酒館~~~��
 — at 國家兩廳院 National Theater & Concert Hall, Taipei, Taiwan.

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