Friday, June 9, 2017

Favorite Paintings in the Exhibition Taipei from Musee d Orsay 1 : Romanticism and Classicism

Delacoix , Eugene --- The Tiger Hunt 1854

Among his 224 works, including paintings and Lithography, one of Delacoix's favorite subjects was the oriental influenced theme as portrayed in this Arabic Horseman Tiger Hunt and many other works !

He also painted Paganini, Chopin, and  Sand !  
Liberty  Leading the People 1830 
Self Portrait 

born: 26 April 1798Charenton (Saint-Maurice, Val-de-Marne), Île-de-France, France *
Died: 13 August 1863Paris, France *
Nationality: French
Art Movement: Romanticism
Friends and Co-workers: Theodore Gericault

Elie Delaunay --- Diane 1872 

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Jean Leon Gerome --- 
The Yong Greek at a Cock Fight  1846

In the "Neo-Grec" style, characterised by a taste for meticulous finish, pale colours and smooth brushwork, Gérôme portrays a couple of near-naked adolescents at the foot of a fountain. Their youthfulness contrasts with the battered profile of the Sphinx in the background. The same opposition is found between the luxuriant vegetation and the dead branches on the ground, and in the fight between the two roosters, one of which is doomed to die.

Born: 11 May 1824Vesoul , France *
Died: 10 January 1904Paris, France *
Nationality: French
Art Movement: Academic ArtRomanticism
Field: painting
Teachers: Charles Gleyre
Friends and Co-workers: Abbott Handerson Thayer

Lefebvre --- The Truth 1870 

Born: 14 March 1836Tournan-en-Brie, Seine-et-Marne, France *
Died: 24 February 1911Paris, France *
Nationality: French
Art Movement: Academic Art
Field: painting

 Did you notice the unrealistic structure this standing woman ? 

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