😍國際婦女節快樂!我不是Clinton Fan , 更不是女權運動支持者,但是她以下這些話我會努力記下來 :「太多女孩們都對某人或某個東西駭怕!」「女孩們, 必須相互提攜相互支持,顛覆這個保守的典型的女性形象! 」
我認為,勇敢的有愛心的面對自己,面對周遭,尊重自己, 尊重眾生尊重世界,接受美麗的與不完美的勇氣,不是一味 追求平等,才是光榮的女性形象。
Dear Friends,
😍Happy International women's day !! As I am not a Clinton Fan,and not a Feminism supporter ;however , I would like to bookmark this after her speech : "We need to lift and support each other to shatter the stereo type of a conservative woman , " while still , "too many girls are afraid of someone or something."
In my opinion , we Girls need to be Courageous, be compassionate , and be respectful toward ourselves , and toward all sentient beings , the world !! Having courage to Accept the beauty and imperfection of everyone's attributes , and do not deliberately strive for gender equality merely for the sake of such , where it is the true woman figure should represent !!
http:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/ why-you-should-bookmark-thi s-hillary-clinton-speech/ article/2616718


Dear Friends,

In my opinion , we Girls need to be Courageous, be compassionate , and be respectful toward ourselves , and toward all sentient beings , the world !! Having courage to Accept the beauty and imperfection of everyone's attributes , and do not deliberately strive for gender equality merely for the sake of such , where it is the true woman figure should represent !!

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