Thursday, May 19, 2016

Only First Love is True ....

真愛只有在初戀的記憶裏⋯~ 之後的你會發現,任何的海誓山盟都只是一時情緒~ 努力的尋找你的火花,努力保存一絲的甜蜜~努力的走到那令你心醉的夕陽~ 時間在空氣裏竄流,流不到八百年前的相遇,也竄不進八年前的感動~真愛,曾經是你的執著,你生命的原力~~ 像那每天五彩花卉的寵愛,奔放的熱情的,在每個呼吸裡,你的氣息,你的呼喊,你的低語~ 我不相信真愛有凋凌的一天,一片片的花瓣落在淸泉𥚃,好美你說,説著說著,一散如天女散了一整個天空,瓣瓣的記憶,串起我的花環,戴頭上永遠永遠的你的公主~ 花有靈魂嗎?她會輪迥否?佛說的一切世界,一點也不美,你一點也不喜歡,我們每個人心中都有真愛,他説。只是,你我沒有發現!太離奇了吔,上帝,天父,天神,時間大爆炸,普賢如來,這些故事,你們都在編織,編的似的是而非的,請問,真愛只是又是一個大大的謊言~誰都會希望不是謊言啊,不過~~~你還是愛這時間的靜止,時間的瞬間~~接受什麼?接受我的你的全部?大家都會說笑罷了~~~~ 如果我超級無敵壞,無敵叛逆,你們心中只有一大堆的分別心而已~~~ 一切都是天方夜譚~~~ 愛在初戀時,因為我們都沒有期待,只是心孁相契,不須要掩飾,更不要有太多政治~~~~ 黃金色的夕陽,在淡水,在撒哈拉,在日光機場,在西藏高原,八百年,誰相信真愛存在?  相信的人,也許是耶穌也許成佛菩薩了⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 。不,也許,他們都不信!!因為都是騙人的⋯⋯

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Let's become a happy child again ~~~~

He is so Huge and Cute !!!!!!!!  

At a Villa Spa near Taipei ~~~ 
I seem so tiny, and feeling like a child embraced by this huge teddy bear ~~~ 

Best Restaurant in Taipei ~~

I love the 1982 vintage so much ... at STAY 101 ~~

!982 ~~~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!  
Thank you !  Frances and Chia.. with our love !982 ~~~~ 

Château Léoville-Las Cases: 

Angel : 96 
It is still  young  with Grace,  Berry , Lacquer , silky ,  mineral  taste and Flowery amora ... 

Critical Acclaim

  • WS95
    Wine Spectator - "A racy, classy, silky wine. Inky-ruby color. Black cherry, mineral and wet earth aromas. Medium-bodied, with very silky tannins and a long, superfine finish. Has always been excellent."
  • RP95
    The Wine Advocate - "I have had perfect bottles of this cuvee, but, perplexingly, the bottles from my cellar tend to be broodingly backward and require plenty of coaxing. This huge wine is, in many ways, just as massive as Leoville Barton, but it possesses a greater degree of elegance as well as unreal concentration. Classic lead pencil, cassis, kirsch, cedar, and spice characteristics are abundant in both the nose and full-bodied flavors. The tannins are still there, and, at least from my cellar, this 1982 does not appear to have changed much in the last 10-12 years. One wonders how much patience admirers of this brilliant St.-Julien will continue to exhibit. Anticipated maturity: 2020-2050.
    Rating: 95+"

Gold Plated  ~~~~

I love the 1982 vintage so much ... at STAY 101 ~~

While Spring Color Awakes ~~~ a New Experience sparkes

This is an experience of existence in the nature ~~~~

While every peice moves and rotates , you can hear the sound of nature, the light of the dawn, feel the breeze .....
畫家:連正宏 Lien 

I am a part of this art piece .... :):) 

Whoever stands here would create a different piece of art ~~
LOVE ~~~~ does not need to be spoken out ....

Monday, May 9, 2016

Olesya Petrova ~ Charms the Queen !!

Miss Olesya  Petrova was born in 1999, Russia !!

What is true Love ? after Berlioz ~~

❤️ 如果無法真心愛一個人,怎可能去愛整個世界? 關於愛情,不談專一與否,只談真心~~~
但他知道有一個人懂他,就是英國的湯馬斯摩爾(Thomas Moore)。


Friday, May 6, 2016

Spring Fashion Show in Taipei 2016 ~~~

This is a Fashion Show Luncheon with Moschino ~~~~~ where the inspiration of colors never ends. If you think clashes of bright colors together would produce a chaos, you are out of the date ! Moschino takes the high fashion into a playful yet meaningful and original contemporary art that you can possibly imagine !! 

Of course, the traffic theme is so ingenius that no one ever dare to use stop signs, traffic lights onto the courtier clothing , only Moschino ! 
168 Prime Rib 


He is the guest speaker today and today is his birthday ~~~ :) 

Egypt 1 ~~ The miracle of Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel 

The twin temples of Abu Simbel were carved out of the mountainside during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses The Great in the 13th century BC, as a lasting monument to himself and his queen Nefertari. The complex was relocated in its entirety in the 1960s to avoid their being submerged during the creation of Lake Nasser, the massive artificial water reservoir formed after the building of a dam on the Nile. Abu Simbel remains a top Egypt tour destination.

Only on 2/22 , 10/22  The sunrise will shine in the door of this magnificent temple ! One is Pharaoh's birthday, the other one is his coronation day . However, due to the miscalculation of the modern architects, when they relocated this entire temple, the sunshinning dates had been moved one day earlier ever since. 

Cruising the Nile is a popular way of visiting upper Egypt. The Nile River has been Egypt’s lifeline since ancient times and there is no better way to trace the passage of Egypt’s history than to follow the course of the Nile. Almost all Egyptian cruise ships travel the Luxor-Aswan route which is safe, scenic and terminates at two of Egypt’s most important towns. Taking a Felucca down the Nile is an adventurous option. Feluccas are sail boats that have been used on the Nile since antiquity. A Felucca is not quite as comfortable as a luxury cruise ship but nothing can beat sailing in a quiet rig that was designed thousands of years ago.