Sunday, September 7, 2014

Meeting with Alice Munro in Taipei ~~~

Our book club had a relaxed and inspiring afternoon meeting with Alice Munro , the 2013 Nobel Prize Winner ~~~  
 — at 2W Wine & Jewelry Art space.

Born 10 July 1931, the Canadian writer, Alice Munroe, has been described as having revolution­ized the architecture of short stories, especially in its tendency to move forward and backward in time. Her fic­tion is most often set in her native Huron County in southwestern Ontario. Her stories explore human complexities in an uncomplicated prose style. Munro’s writing has established her as one of our greatest contemporary writers of fiction.

What is important to you when you tell a story?

She said: 
Well, obviously, in those early days, the important thing was the happy ending –I did not tolerate unhappy endings, for my heroines, anyway. And later on, I began to read things like Wuthering Heights, and very very unhappy endings would take place, so I changed my ideas completely and went in for the tragic, which I enjoyed.

  • Jackie  I've been reading her book "Dear life" 
  • Angelina Lee I have that one too . How do you like her ? You have to adapt to her placid tone and subtle writing style in order to like her . right ?!
  • Jackie  Right  I like that her short stories have open endings, and in each story there's a life turning point for the main characters. 淡淡的無奈與哀傷。

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