Sunday, April 7, 2013

Offering Prayers and Crystal Champagne ....

Golden Cristal Champagne Offering 2005~~
As numerous as there are atoms in the universe.
I multiply my body and offer prostrations.

Offerings actually arrayed and those created through the power of meditation.

All that appears and exists, I present as the mutra of offering.

All the harmful actions of my body speech and mind, 

I openly confess within the luminous dharmakaya.

Whether they be relative or absolute,

I rejoice in all the positive actions that have ever been accumulated.

For the three types of beings to be tamed,

I implore you to turn the Wheel of Dharma of the three yanks.

Until samsara is completely empty and beings are liberated.

Please remain, pass not not non apparent nirvana.

All the merit accumulated throughout the three times, 

I dedicate for the cause of all beings attaining enlightenment. 

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