Saturday, October 28, 2017

How to dress in Heaven ?!

Moschino autumn dress ~~ 

Pink ~~~ 
While immersing the celestial feeling of staying in the village closer to Heaven , I embrace my color with the nature ....
At Paro , Bhutan 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Heart Wish for Bhutan !!

Himalaya Mountain ~~~~~
I shall follow his foot steps of Guru Rinpoche, to be unite with the essence of our nature, all the love and wisdom , that shall permeate the entire universe and in eternal time !! 
I brought this Beautiful Painting back and it will certainly accompany and guide me in my solitude and confusion !! 

5 days Steep Trek up to the 4200 m mountain , Dagala Thousand Lake Trek, breathtaking view, ... of course I did not go !
My Bhutanese Tour Guide , Sonam Wangyel

Many thanks to Sonam Wangyel , my tour guide during the trip , who has a modern intellect and a Bhutanese soul, tried to answer hundred questions from my curiosity , and help me understand this beautiful , civilized in its own way, but underdeveloped country,  while  I almost fell down during the  difficult down hill from Tiger's Nest, and always gave him headache by not dressing or behaving traditionally conservative ... ! :)

In fact, I wish the chaotic competition and , materialism form the outside world , will not destruct Bhutan's purity ...!!
Although they do benefit much from tourism, their notion of an ideal  life should not be account for its wealth, but its aesthetics, moral, devotion, their love for nature and order, and above all, of course, the Happiness !!!! 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Climb to the Holiest and highest destination in the world ~~~

Taksang meaning tigers nest !!
My pony lead the way , and I was nervous ~~

In fact , he did half fall during climbing ...
這天清晨六點半中出發,認真努力的爬上「虎穴寺」, 我的夢想之一,
海拔2980 公尺,上下山加參拜5 個小時,山路崎嶇 ~~
其中一小時上山騎小馬,還有驚險的時候,我的 Pony 中途跌了一跤,小小驚嚇⋯⋯
感恩蓮師的加持力,感恩我的 Guide 及馬伕,一路扶持與鼓勵!
Climbing to the “ Tigers Nest “ , was always my dream,  where Guru Rinpoche stayed for 4 months in meditation with Yoeshetsoyel and attend enlightenment  !! 

This was my first Mountain Hike ever , which took me 5 hours going up and down the mountain , with 2980m altitude ! 
I would say quite difficult for a novice ....😅

Legendary story of her Mala transformed into Water fall of Yoeshetsogyal

Reaching to the "  Second View Point "  : After 2 and half hours climbing ...
Writings Inside the cave ~~~~ — at Tiger's Nest - Taktshang, Bhutan.

Second View Point : Awe

蓮花生大士, 被視為第二佛。他是阿彌陀佛的意化現,觀世音菩薩的語化現,以及釋迦牟尼佛的身化現。蓮花生大士乃金剛乘的大師,這個在藏地盛行的法教,至今已孕育出眾多偉大的修行者和大成就者。

  蓮花源上師依照不同眾生認知實相的不同方式, 而示現相異的形象。他的加持至今仍在,正如往昔他的時代,也將延續直到未來。時間這個概念,並不適用於他的加持。以那些對他具有信心和虔誠的人來說,他的加持永遠都在,從不改變也不減損。

Tall Statue !!
 — at Tiger's Nest - Taktshang, Bhutan.

The Later built Golden Door 🚪 into the Cave Guru Rinpoche meditated ! ( all inside photos were photographed from a Book of Bhutan Buddism )— at Tiger's Nest - Taktshang, Bhutan.

Magnificent ❤️
We were with the clouds ~~

3000 Meter Elevation !!!  

Friday, October 20, 2017

How to be the Happiest ?!! Exploring the dragon Kingdom !!!

Breathtaking view in my room at Amankora over looking the mountains in Paro !!
Hi !!!!! King of Bhutan ~~  at Thimphu , the capital !!! 
不丹,曾經是世界上最快樂的國家,如今是亞洲第一 ,世界第八。人口只有70 多萬,

To  preserv its own culture heritage, including language, architechure, attire, culinary style, is the main key of keeping its ranking at the top National Happiness Index , said our guide,  Sonam ! 


People in Paro and the Capital Thimphu appear to be quite different , as my first impression !

We transferred to the Capital , Thimphu, with Population of 100,000 !

Traditional Bhutanese set course, Very Spicy Spicy !!!

The Highest point of the Fortress, used to be a watch tower !!! 
This is at the Fortress, where The King , Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck , Prime Minister and all the administrative officers work here until 17:00 ~~~ 😊

Light House at Paro, Bhutan !!!
I have lighten up  108 Butter Lamps praying for all the path we take shall be lighten up with awareness and love !!!