Friday, April 28, 2017

Aamir Khan's 真相訪談

當今印度最有影響力的明星,阿米爾汗,"三個傻瓜",及"我的冠軍女兒"的主角,他不僅是演員, 製作人,導演,也是一位社會改革運動支持者!他主持的節目"真相訪談",觀眾有五億人口,主題蓋跨印度社會上維持長久爭論性的問題,種性制度,女嬰被墮胎問題,不自由的婚姻問題等等!因此,此節目受政府官方極大的重視!

Aamir Khan is not only a mega star in Bollywood but also a prominent social activist , who hosts a popular talk show on TV , discussing controversial topics such as casteless marriage, child sexual abuse, female feticide, and more ... ! The population of the audience of this talk show has reached 500 million people . The show has raised high awareness upon these issues from the Indian Government !

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