Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The climax of Golden Globes 2017

💞2017 年金球獎,除了我最喜歡的Dreamers film 「越來越愛你」榮獲滿貫的精彩外,梅姨的演講更是高潮而令人沈默, 她結尾了一段發人省思的演說,引述莉亜公主的話;「帶著你破碎的心,讓他成為藝術!」
💞In 2017 Golden Globes Award ceremony , while my favorite dreamers film " La La Land ", received the most awards in record , many times Oscar Best Actress receiver Meryl Streep made a stunning and courageous speech that silenced the audience , as she concluded her speech with quotes from princess Leia to her : " Take your broken heart . Make it into art !! "
🏆🏆The Entire Speech: 中文字幕:http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/4vVDoiXIDwD9gkcrMcGF_w

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