Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Our Princess Leia, will always live in the galaxy !!!

星際大戰的 Leia 公主走了。。。。😭😭😭
May the Force be with you , Carrie !

'There's no room for demons when you're self-possessed': Carrie Fisher's gift for hilarious quips shows she was so much more than just Princess Leia!

"Her groundbreaking role as Princess Leia served as an inspiration of power and confidence for young girls everywhere. We will miss her dearly."

Open Heart even in the emotional devastation ~~~ Tsoknyi Rinpoche

🙏🏻Many Thanks to Tsoknyi Rinpoche's teaching in Taipei ! 「醒了就好」Open Mind Open Heart ,「愛與微細身」的作者!
🎀 How to self liberate from the five poisons ? 如何在五藴五毒中「自解脫」?

貪欲,妙觀察智! Wisdom of Discernment 
憤怒,大圓鏡智! Mirror like Wisdom
愚癡,法界體性智!Wisdom of Dharmadhatu
傲慢,平等性智!Wisdom of Equality
嫉妒,成所作智!All- Accomplishing Wisdom 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Are we currently so Futuristic ??

Artist 1 

Giacomo Balla (born Turin,  Aug 18, 1871; died Rome,  March 1, 1958).
Italian painter, sculptor, stage designer, decorative artist and actor. He was one of the originators of Futurism and was particularly concerned with the representation of light and movement. His personal interest in scientific methods of analysis contributed to both the practical and ideological bases of the movement. His oeuvre from the Futurist period overshadowed the work of later years.

Sketch for Ballet by Ignor Stravinsky : Firebird
Self Portrait 
Hands of Violin
Street Light Study 

Girl Running on a Balcony 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Princess Dress in Charity Ball ~~~

It was a lovely dinner concert supported by your loving and kindness !! Thank you !! Dear Friends ! 
🎀May all the love bestowed upon these underprivileged children !!

Birthday Delight with friends ~~~

Thanks Susan for this special cake and champagne candle !!!

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Thursday, December 8, 2016

My favorite Wine ~

 Thanks so much to Charles for your generosity, as we had experienced the ecstasy of dancing in the garden of  goddess !! :):)  
When I encountered the 1982, I had this Serious and Classic Look ~~~~~
Offering is made to all the Buddhas , Yidams and Protectors and Gurus as I am thankful for the beauty of everything betowed upon me ! 

Hema Hema , the most meaningful film in 2016

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaWha❤️Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's newest film " Hema Hema " has brought five prominent directors and producers together as following :

It is about your identiy, the meaning of life and death, the truth of reincarnation, and samsara! It is about the real you insinght , that is all about desire, and power  !! Can you transced yourself from this samsara is the question ! How to live without giult ? how to live without shame? 

《嘿瑪嘿瑪》魅力召喚 五位大師齊聚西門!! 周迅,梁朝偉不計酬勞共同演出了本劇。

黑帽總裁廖益賢(Jimmy Liao)談及《嘿瑪嘿瑪》是公司發行的第一部電影,而宗薩欽哲仁波切曾捉狹地給予他一個法名「Jimmy the Shopper」,說他是個購物狂。但廖益賢笑言,「嘿瑪嘿瑪」這部電影是他此生以來,買過最有價值的一樣東西。欽哲諾布導演表示,「黑帽影業」是目前全球唯一取得版權的發行商,笑說至今仍不懂黑帽影業哪來的膽子。而廖總裁誠懇地結語,未來將致力支持各類具藝術價值、發人深省的的好電影,與眾生結緣。
特映會最後導演欽哲諾布親自抽取由「瓔珞城」原創飾品」為影片特別設計製作的「HEMA HEMA限量款」金剛結戒指贈送給幸運觀眾。
Hema Hema:Sing Me a Song While I Wait
★多倫多影展 Platform單元 特別關注獎
★梁朝偉、周迅 不計酬勞共演

萬海Charity Concert !

All of the funds from tonight's Charity Concert will go to 20 charity associations ! Thank you !❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹💝💝