Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What makes a Guru different from an ordinary person?




How is a Guru different from mundane people like us ?
I asked a question that puzzled my mind : do you know the past and the future ? His answer was " No, I only know 'now' " with a very confident tone !
I have pondered upon this answer for a while which apparently is a profound and deep one .
In the absolute reality , one split second of time is no less than one eon of time . There is no past and future , because at every moment , all the past is gone and the future has not arrived yet .... You cannot micro dissect each second into the smallest measurement , for you will never be able to define what is past and future , but only the happening moment !
Yes, in fact , he is teaching me a lot things including being so concentrated at the very moment , be aware on the environment , be focused at the present occurrence , and be compassionate with everyone he encounters ..., only in a daily conversation .

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