Sunday, November 29, 2015

Parting is the sweetest sorrow ~~~

I know it is not an appropriate attitude but I do feel so sad whenever we will be parting for thousand miles. Yet I never showed my sadness, for I was so afraid of loosing you, my dearest …, while you were mistaken that I did not miss you at all ….

Parting is the sweetest sorrow, until one day I realize that you are always and forever in my heart, and we were never separated …., and I am fearless whenever and wherever ….

To my timeless and spaceless love ~~

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Inspiring film about love and music ~~~


The music is everywhere . All you have to do is listen !
— with 王希文.

2014 金馬獎最佳原創電影音樂「十二夜」-- 入圍
2013 金馬獎最佳原創電影音樂「總舖師」 -- 入圍
2012 金曲獎流行類演奏組最佳專輯、最佳製作人、最佳作曲 -- 入圍
2011 金馬獎最佳原創電影音樂「翻滾吧!阿信」 -- 入圍
2011 New York First Run Film Festival「Saeng-il」 -- 最佳配樂
2010 New York First Run Film Festival「Daughters」 -- 最佳配樂
2009 第四十四屆金鐘獎 「曬棉被的好天氣」 -- 最佳音效
2008 爭鮮迴轉壽司商業廣告主題曲創作賽 -- 首獎

What makes a Guru different from an ordinary person?




How is a Guru different from mundane people like us ?
I asked a question that puzzled my mind : do you know the past and the future ? His answer was " No, I only know 'now' " with a very confident tone !
I have pondered upon this answer for a while which apparently is a profound and deep one .
In the absolute reality , one split second of time is no less than one eon of time . There is no past and future , because at every moment , all the past is gone and the future has not arrived yet .... You cannot micro dissect each second into the smallest measurement , for you will never be able to define what is past and future , but only the happening moment !
Yes, in fact , he is teaching me a lot things including being so concentrated at the very moment , be aware on the environment , be focused at the present occurrence , and be compassionate with everyone he encounters ..., only in a daily conversation .

Monday, November 9, 2015

Prayers ~~~

Not all prayers get answered instantly, but if you have patience, one bright day, the answer will become clear. 💕💕💕

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Faith is the cure ~~~~~

Faith is the cure that heals all troubles. Without faith there is no hope or love. Faith comes first!

上師即是智慧,上師即是慈悲,上師即是空性,上師即是佛,上師即是我 ~~~ 😇😇
HE Mugsang Tulku at the Penor Rinpoche Cremation Ceremony ~~

Monday, November 2, 2015

What Buddhism says about Love ~~~

"To those who craved a woman, I became a lovely girl and thus their joy.”
“To those who sought a lover, I was a handsome youth and thus their joy.” ~~ Yeshe Tsogyal 💖🙏

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Golden Diary on Sunday afternoon ~~~

Unlike an usual Sunday afternoon , I decide to do an experiment ! I try matching Manjushri and Chopin together ~~~ thinking that ideology would be expressively mind opening .

Well , the conclusion is that doing multitasking of such delicate and highly concentration demanded tasks cannot be enjoyable as I wish ...
As a result , I choose listening to the CD like a live performance and then play the piece myself and later on , the word on the page might speak for itself ... as relax as possible !
Right brain and left brain cannot work together but they can be developed balanced individually .
Well.... 😉😉😉