Monday, June 1, 2015

Love story of Rembrandt van Rijn

If you cannot see Angel , you are not a true Prophet πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡~~ Rembrandt 1634

One of 300 Self Portraits 1603--1669
In the Bible, God created human and also created storms to destroy them, as the savior, the Christ , tried to save the human beings from God's rage and their own ignorances! 

However, who is the God here? Do you believe there is one who is so uncompassionate and cruel ?  Rembrandt painted himself standing right beside the Christ ~~~~ :) 

In his early years, Anatomy was actually a performance, an entertainment show for patrons to satisfy their curiosity ! 

Saskia van Uylenburgh (August 2, 1612 – June 14, 1642
She died at age 30, so young that his financial support and people's connection dimmed as she passed away . And He would wear the other ear ring until the day of dust to dust, until the day their soul will  meet in the other world ~~~ Romantic, Isn't it ?! 

A Love Story !! 

Bathsheba at Her Bath 1654
He was the master of light and shadow, ( Chiaroscuro ) as if we audience can actually see the spotting light from the above right side of the scene, and yet, the room itself remained dark and intimate .....

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