Thursday, May 23, 2013

Not in Armani Suit ? Why Bother ? Babe

Ideal .....

Male, another similar species of deteriorated human being,
not only they are not superior or nobler ,
they are no less eccentric and manipulative than us.  

Why are you letting your libido spurn ?

Choosing the Old or the Young? 

Neither of them are qualified for your liking.; 
as a result, 
why bother of having your mind twisted
for these past thousand days...

While you wonder, 

Dalai Lama Said : in Chinese ..I don't know how that happened..


我們所經歷的事,不可能,絕不可能以其他的方式發生,即便是最不重要的細節也不會。並不存在「要是我當時做法不一樣…那麼結果就會不一樣。」。無論 發生什麼事,那都是唯一會發生的,而且一定要那樣發生,才能讓我們學到經驗,以便繼續前進。生命中,我們經驗的每一種情境都是絕對完美的,即便它不符我們的理解與自尊。" 

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