Monday, December 31, 2012


Lady in Gold 。。。。


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Message from Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

published on December 29, 2011

Thank you for your sympathy and best wishes at this time.
We live in a world of our own making, a world built by our own unique perceptions which we believe in fully, every year, every day, every hour and every moment of our lives.
Even though in reality this life is fleeting and lasts no longer than the time it takes for a spark of fire to shoot out, it is experienced by some as dragging on interminably for aeons and aeons. Yet for others, although in reality the span of this world's existence is infinite, their experience of it lasts no longer than the blink of an eye.
For some, this world is no bigger than a worm hole, yet they feel insignificant and isolated, lost in a vast and infinite void. Others perceive the world to be small--as small as an entire universe--and to them it feels uncomfortably confined and claustrophobic.
Most of us, myself included, have been conditioned to live and die in a world created by our own perceptions, and continue to create conditions that will ensure we repeat this same game over and over again.
Amongst myriad possible perceptions, Thinley Norbu Rinpoche is seen variously as an ordinary person, a father, a teacher and a perfect being--a diversity of perception that is the result of each perceiver's individual merit, or lack of it.
For people like me, whose limitations lead me to see him merely as my father, your condolences will be accepted as emotional support.
For those of you with 'superior qualities'--or who aspire to develop such qualities--and are able to see Thinley Norbu as a perfect being, this is yet another opportunity to shrug off impure perception and generate pure perception, so that eventually you will go beyond perception altogether.
'Awareness' is the quintessential teaching of the Buddha--from the awareness of cool air as you breath in and then out, to the profound awareness of natural perfection. And with boundless compassion and courage, the sole purpose and activity of all the buddhas it is to ring the alarm bell that brings us to this awareness.
With enough merit, the passing of this great being can be interpreted as the ringing of that alarm bell, and a timely reminder of all the teachings, from the simple truth of impermanence, all the way up to the realization of unobstructed compassion. In this way, as much as this deluded mind of ours appreciated and valued his appearance in this world, it should also appreciate and value his disappearance.
Touching as it is to hear from those who are offering various prayers, recitations, butter lamps and many other wholesome activities at this time, allow me to remind myself and all those who are interested, that none of the practices we are currently engaging in are for him, but for ourselves.
However brilliantly the moon appears in the sky, if the pond is muddy, the moon will not be reflected in its waters. In the same way, it is through the purification of defilements and accumulation of merit within our own minds that will enable us, in time, to perceive a reflection of the Buddha, fully intact and never to depart.
So, rather than congratulating ourselves with the thought that we have accomplished all these practices during this special time, bear in mind that we should already have been doing them--and for that matter, we should continue doing them throughout this and all our future lives. But to imagine that our practise is something like providing this great being with the 'last rites' is definitely not the best way to go.
I have also been asked which specific practices should be done. Again, I will repeat that mindfulness, in other words 'awareness', is our practice. We are ignorant beings, and as such require constant reminders about the importance of making the effort to land in this awareness. Therefore all our guru's activities--from when he yawns or coughs, to when he appears or disappears--are his way of reminding us to come back, again and again, to mindfulness.
And as long as we are mindful and aware, no one practice is better than another.
Written and dedicated to the enlightenment of all sentient beings in the presence of the rupakaya of Thinley Norbu.
New York City

Friday, December 28, 2012

Ultimate Truth of Beauty ~~~

Truth, Beauty
Beauty, truth
That is all you need to know in life,
And all you'll ever need to know. 

What we consider beauty ,
Accompanied with imagination and aspiration,  
As brilliant firry maple 
As translucent wondrous rainbow,
As fair as peony, 
As elegant as iris ....
Has Never ever been lasting ...

Truth, upon reality, 
 in the stage of turbulence, 
in the stage of tranquility and calmness
Realizing the ultimate truth is all we need to obtain! 

-----Angelina Lee

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mahler 's Resurrection Symphony 2 by M. Jansons

In English

Primeval Light
O red rose!
Man lies in greatest need!
Man lies in greatest pain!
How I would rather be in heaven.
There came I upon a broad path
when came a little angel and wanted to turn me away.
Ah no! I would not let myself be turned away!
I am from God and shall return to God!
The loving God will grant me a little light,
Which will light me into that eternal blissful life!

—From Des Knaben Wunderhorn

I: 0:43 
II: 24:40
III: 35:33
IV: 47:13
V: 52:25

Mahler initially devised a narrative programme (actually several variant versions) for the work, which he shared with a number of friends (including Natalie Bauer-Lechner and Max Marschalk). He even had one of these versions printed in the program book at the premiere in Dresden on 20 December 1901. 
In this programme, the first movement represents a funeral and asks questions such as "Is there life after death?"; 
the second movement is a remembrance of happy times in the life of the deceased;
 the third movement represents a view of life as meaningless activity; 
the fourth movement is a wish for release from life without meaning; 
and the fifth movement – after a return of the doubts of the third movement and the questions of the first – ends with a fervent hope for everlasting, transcendent renewal, a theme that Mahler would ultimately transfigure into the music of his Das Lied von der Erde.[4] As generally happened, Mahler later withdrew all versions of the programme from circulation.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Beautiful Christmas from Lafayette, Paris ~



Photo by Claymenc Lee 

Paris Galleria Lafayette 

Monday, December 24, 2012


珍藏。。Kongtrul 康楚仁波切作品



Angel 的夢境每次都準到讓我一定得信。。。


Sunday, December 23, 2012

In Red and Chanel Pearl Neckless.....

Smile .....  In Red 。。。。。

It was a warming and fun party! Every one went on stage singing and dancing. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

It is in our weakest moments .....

" 在我們最脆弱的時刻,

" It is in our weakest moments that we find strength. "

---Life of Pi

When confronting a brutal animal, such as Richard Parker, someone, or something as such, moments of fear from despair, desolation, abandonment, sabotage, that make us feeling hopeless, would finally discover our inner strength or peace as death might be the solely solution if we retreat.

— atDubai Marina.

Thursday, December 20, 2012






Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Life of Pi , Water Lamp Festival ...

To be nonchalant is the best attitude dealing with evil spirit,
including these embodied human forms !!!!

 I wish I am a Fairy of wind,
Transparent, and Light,
Blowing away,
Far Far Away each stain and dirt......
Every element of evil that inscribed !!

All Mighty Gods...
Please I Beseech you,

Let's use the purified fire to burn all my wounds,
Let's throw all despair and disparage in the Flame,
Let's cleanse all polluted devil desire and hatred .....
Let's sink all anger, desolation, wariness and fear....

Let's Demolish all Sexual, Spiritual, and physical sabotage,
Let's Liberate our intrinsic mind!

Let them Go Away,
Away ,  Far Far Far Far Far  Away!
From my Kingdom,
From my Castle of Happiness !!

India 浴佛節~~~ 水燈儀式!Life of Pi 
All Mighty Gods,

Faith is an opening up, a letting go
a deep trust,
a free act of Love,

As evil spirit never existed !!!

All Mighty Gods...
I Beseech You!

Monday, December 17, 2012

何當共剪西窗燭 ~~




My Angel ~





Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wine in Romance ....

1996 ....  94 pt. Old wine feel with Chocolate, Truffle, Oak taste...



Monday, December 10, 2012

Michelin 3 Star Chef Xabier Gutierrez in Taipei

14 Small Pretty Disshes Blended our Nature !! 

Red Code ~~~~ Delicious !

After tasting a full course of 14 pretty and delicious innovations,
I shall never forget enjoying each day with appreciation ! 

Smile... at D + N
Moon Walks ~~~ Mysterious and Tasteful ! 

Ladybug ~~ White Chocolate Surprise !! 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Tchaikosky Winner, Gavrilov Plays Prokofiev in Taipei

今晚在Prokofiev 的「反極權」聲浪中達到最高潮!

俄國鋼琴家Andrei Gavrilov18 歲拿下

Tchaikovsky Piano Competition 首獎,

雖然Angel 不大適應...;

他的Prokofiev Sonata, 超速爆發力,



Friday, December 7, 2012




 — at Pierre Marcolini Chocolate.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Vocalist of the Year 2013 : Joyce DiDonato

Chinese Art on Mouton Rothschild .... 1996

 2008 label is designed by a Chinese artist this will not be the first time – the 1996 label was designed by Gu Gan who is a pioneer of the Modernist Movement in calligraphic painting. His works have played a key role in defining 20th century Chinese art. His works are displayed in many museums both in China and the West, including the British Museum and the Museum for Far Eastern Art in Cologne.
Chinese calligraphy has remained unchanged since 2000 BC. It’s both language and art and Gu Gan remains true to this tradition, while at the same time taking a profoundly innovative approach. He has brought colour to calligraphy, shaking off traditional restraints and the insistence on balance, and adds ornamental seals to the actual drawing. Author of The Three Steps of Modern Calligraphy, published in 1990, Gu Gan is now regarded not only as a master but also a leading theorist of his art. His work bears witness to the idea that calligraphy can be a link between his own culture and Western abstract art.
For the Mouton 1996 label Gu Gan brought together in a single drawing five ideograms, all signifying the heart, varying the colour and stroke of each. This composition is called Coeur à Cœur (Heart to Heart) and the 5 hearts represent the different human races, joined together through wine.
Chinese art is a flourishing market and the soaring prices of Chinese contemporary artists over the past few years has jolted the global auction market, setting off a building boom in arts districts in Beijing and Shanghai and turning many Chinese artists into multimillionaires.

96 Points | International Wine Cellar , August 2011
(77% cabernet sauvignon, 13% merlot and 10% cabernet franc; pH 3.85; IPT 73; 12.7% alcohol; 83% new oak):  Bright ruby with a palish rim.  Intense, fragrant aromas of strawberry, iris, coffee, white pepper and bay leaf are lifted by an aromatic spice note; one can recognize the cabernet franc here.  Rich, dense and suave, with very pure red fruit, cedar and herb flavors that coat the palate and are nicely carried by vibrant, harmonious acidity.  Finishes with outstanding length, noble tannins and a late spicy, floral kick.  This outstanding Mouton has improved enormously since its release.  Tourbier agrees:  "We were a little worried initially that this Mouton seemed too rigid, almost austere.  Instead, it did a complete turnaround once bottled, surprising us as well."
94 Points | Wine Spectator
94 Points | Robert Parker's The Wine Advocate