Friday, March 16, 2018

Valentines at my favorite Taipei Michelin Restaurant !!

L'atelier de joel Robuchon Taipei

Blending in the color of the surroundings ~~ 

The Best Photos in modern history is here !!!

What is the life ahead of her?  Afganistan Girl in image sculpture! Taken in 1982 
It was the most inspiring presentation and artistic exhibition ever in Taipei !

Every photo has a dramatic story to tell, which was presented in an almost humanly way by using various visual effects, including 3 dimensions moving sculpture and more !!

Very Impressive !!! 

I wander in the wonderfulness ~ Dancing the Chromophore Maze !!
At MOCA Taipei 
Many Thanks to our good friend, Dr. Leo Chen for leading us to a path of modern history of human lives, not only through Steve McCurry’s eyes, but also Dr. Chen ’s talents of making 2-dimensional photos alive !! They are not photos of sceneries and events anymore, as those photos speak to us, communicate with us, with their emotions, whether sadness, anxiety, determination, Love, desire, serendipity, fear or longing for home ....
Buildings were bombed and half destroyed during wartime ...
How do we call a home without roof ?

Even Animals cannot survive in the oil and fire, and how can human beings do ? 

Selfie of Steve McCurry in the mirror ~~
Togetherness ....
This is the everyday life of the people that coexist with the River Gang, carrying offering flowers with hope and devotion...

Half of her body is in the flooded water ....

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

How a Nobel Prize Laureate was born ? Within the Buried Giant !!

Kazuo Ishiguro composed all his novels with an ideal notion in mind that the harmony and peace of the world within and among countries, tribes, nations,and races can be established without calamities, but instead of stating this concept explicitly in his writing, he drew upon various themes in managing the memories of the past! 



 ❤️在二二八前一天讀這本書感觸甚深,記憶和遺忘是可以選擇的,贊同廖教授所言「國家之種族必然多元,欲成功融合成國族,必須能遺忘仇恨及差異」,此書的核心價值必包涵「原諒」,放過別人也就是放過自己. ~~Judy

石黑一雄獲諾貝爾文學獎,應該是毫無懸念。就一個作家而言,石黑雖不算多產(7本小說、4部劇作、若干短篇及一些歌詞),但確極為多樣。他與爵士歌手Stacy Kent的合作尤其膾炙人口。不過,真正讓他能藏諸名山、傳之後世的,還是那7本小說,本本皆擲地有聲。