Monday, September 25, 2017

One of the most Poetic destination in China part 1 ~~

最憶是杭州!!!!Hangzhou , China
Four Seasons Hotel , Westlake , At my Balcony ~~ 
I love Westlake so much alike many classic Chinese poets who adored and composed hundreds of poems about her .....

Beautiful Sunset at the Westlake ! 
At my Backyard ~~~~ 
Where A Legendary Love Story took place ~~
 印象西湖 ~~~~

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Photoshoot with Tom Cruise !

Hi , There !!

This is the happiest moment today !!!

I was not expecting to meet Tom with suit this afternoon, as you can tell from my casual outfit !! ;)

Handsome and Big Smile do count !!!!!

Monday, September 11, 2017

An Elegant Cultural Tasting !!!!

似乎在紛嚷的市區,呼吸著與世隔絕的空氣,不僅打造了小巧日本庭園造景,更有法式自然的美食相伴 !
📚📚📚策展人 胡朝聖 擔任藝術總監、「比格達建築世界」主持人 王增榮 擔任建築顧問,融合建築與藝術,並與擅長日式空間設計的「玳爾設計」 朱志峰 總監, 將此地打造成「快樂的沃土」。
Ps. Everything is perfect ~~ The only thing I would prefer  and wish for some improvements was those tables ! They can be more classy with high qualities instead of an unfitting materials , that diminish the wholesome experience !! 😉😉

▲從老房子拆下來的舊木料,透過旅法藝術家 邱承宏。的創作,化為一隻雄鹿造型的作品「歷史之角」,象徵著樂埔町的再造與新生,輕靈的姿態彷彿從森林中漫步而出,與城市中的我們偶然相遇。 — at樂埔町 Leputing.

如同文章有起、承、轉、合的層次,建築也是如此。迂迴的動線創造了一種觀察的指向,在每一次的轉角堆疊更豐富的視覺感受。例如從玄關到座位區的路途中所經過的一段廊道,運用過去房間收納用壁櫃的深度,改造成展示平台的小藝廊。樂埔町的主軸是將食、藝、景三者結合,從最日常的食衣住行融合生活美學,所以在打造景觀與提供美食之外,更邀請國內知名色彩學者與植物染藝術家 曾啟雄 教授,將作品陳列於小藝廊中展出,更不定期推出創作課程 — at 樂埔町 Leputing.

Do you believe in Double Lives ???

Do you have an unspoken desire inside ??? 

📚📚  September bookclub Reading : " the Double " Many Thanks to our good friend Dr. Leo Chen for an inspiring speech !!
   Although we behave as human as weak as we all do , circulating around and the history repeating itself , we are able not only be observers but outgrow our subconsciousness and live beyond our constrain and limitations !!
Let's explore the infinite impossibilities , embracing the minorities , the differences , and transcend beyond the convention !!
Inside us there is something that has no name , that something is what we are !! "
~~ Jose Saramago 1998 Nobel Prize Winner





Friday, September 1, 2017

Wines and afternoon tea !!!!


Guess what is the result of a Whole day feast with fantastic Wines and lots of delicious food with wonderful companies ? 🍷🍓🍦🍗🍤🍎🍒🍷💃🏻

0.8 Kg award 🥇...😳😳😳

Need to do a short Fasting today ~😅😜

Homemade Feast !!!! and Movie !!! The Double , 

2001 Gevrey Chambertin , Clos St. Jacqes 

For a elegant burgundy 2001 wine, you need to let it sit for a while, in order to smell the bloosom !  Cherry and Baked Chestnuts, Fresh lily grass ...

For the full body Bourdeau, 1990, Pomerol, L' Evan Gile , you dont need to wait at all !!!

Fried Cheese Tofu at Palais de Chine Hotel