Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Gaitier Capucon is releasing a new recording

❤️對於音樂,就如神童Mozart 所言,音樂並不是在音符裡,而是存在於音與音之間的休止寂靜中。我總是覺得言語文字的解釋,對於音樂,都是多餘的,都是限制,甚至是對純藝術的褻瀆。
不過~ Gautier Capucon ! 他的情緒不是那種熱情澎湃的揮灑,卻是在細緻穏健中融入呼吸裡。在音符與音符之間,像是品著法國 Burgundy 紅酒的感覺,像是走進花園裡的慢慢地打開眼界,花香噗鼻,⋯⋯。你將愛不釋手!

Ang Lee's newest film made me Cry ....

❤️AAngel Rating 4 and 1/2 of 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
影評人都期待高科技音效的戰爭場面,甚至是浪漫的唯美鏡頭,所以他們給予此片評價不高。但是,我個人很喜歡。Angel 認為,李安運用高速攝影技術,誏我們回到真實的現場,沒有美化,只有用慈悲的心觀看著英雄背後的心酸,矛盾,與衝擊。


Ang Lee's Newest Film " Billy Lynn's Long Half Time Walk " did not receive good reviews , because the critics were expecting a highly flashy war film and romantic illusion ! However , I like this film very much , which has a deep compassion toward life manifesting in a lyrical way with the Newest technology given a true sense of reality .
It became so Lyrical when tears flowed down on his cheek , yet so vivid and real but dream like ....
Life is like a dream when you are facing your enemy , like a movie when others show absolute careless and negligent about you !
This film reminds you not to be patriotic or scoundrel , because sometimes it is not a matter of choice or honor , it is all because of reality we are confronting with . Like it or not ?! People around do not hold such high moral to war heros , as nobody really know what those soldiers are fighting for ! And soldiers do not need to know ! Cruel as it is , the brotherly love prevailed in the film , as we outsiders usually do not respect the real life and death .

Monday, November 14, 2016

My favorite Wine ~~ LaRoy and 1982

When Breath Becomes Air


❤️"When Breath Becomes Air " touches every inch of my heart so deep that i cannot forget the precious words in the book , about enjoying each moment making our lives meaningful , without merely avoiding sufferings , while death confronts us with inevitable stares !!

I found the original English version much much more fluent than the Chinese translation!! 

❤️2016年1月的Amazon與美國獨立書商聯盟的推薦書單,都選了一本結合醫學、人文關懷的回憶錄《When Breath Becomes Air》(當呼吸化為空氣)。作者保羅.卡拉尼提(Paul Kalanithi)是一位年輕的神經外科醫師,他在確診自己罹患肺癌末期後,即從醫師、病人、兒子、伴侶、父親等不同身分,審視自己37年的生命歷程,進一步思索生命與死亡的意義。這本不到260頁的回憶錄,飽含文學、醫學、哲學的省思,文字優美真摯,1月12日發行,立即躍上暢銷排行榜活著的每15分鐘。轉念之後,他繼續開展生命的可能性──他與妻子生下女兒凱娣(Cady),成為父親;他開始寫作,將自己一路從文學院到醫學院,透過他人的生死與自身經歷,在生前22個月內寫下回憶錄《當呼吸化為空氣》。
他在書中寫道:「在屬於我的那一片貧瘠的死亡荒原中,我迷失了,在科學研究、細胞分子途徑、無止境的生存指數曲線組成的疆域裡,我漫無頭緒,失去指引,於是我又回到文學裡......尋找可以解釋死亡的字句,重新定義自我,希望藉此往前邁進一小步...... 我的瀕死歷程讓我一度以為,關於死亡,我有了第一手經驗,再也不需要間接透過文學描述與醫學研究來理解它;但現在我才發現,為了要理解自己的直接經驗,我必須用語言將之翻譯出來。」

《當呼吸化為空氣》展露了與死亡共處的生命道途 ,也獲得許多書評和作家推薦,《凝視死亡》作者葛文德(Atul Gawande)為本書下了這樣的註解:「這本書擲地有聲,令人心碎,但也十分美好,從英年早逝的卡拉尼提醫生身上,我們體認到,死亡最能教我們如何活著。」

Friday, November 4, 2016

Japan Fashion :)

Hello ! Kusama Girl is looking out at my backyard in Tokyo !!

The most artful Lady in England !!!!

😘 午后時光與一位最有藝術技巧的女仕度過!在歡樂氣氛中,對英國文學增多了更多的親切感!這部片" Love and Friendship " 「蘇珊夫人尋婚記 」,已經下片,但若DVD 上市後,很建議愉悅觀賞!
Our book club had the most delightful afternoon with the most artful lady of all Austen's works ! English literature has become somewhat more kin and playful in 3 hours !
He said : Your renown proceeds you! 😻
She said : I am afraid of the allusion escaped me ... 💃🏻

The movie Trailer: 


Lady Susn's " Deep Art" is imposing upon our attention as following:

@ " The most accomplished coquette in England ( IV ), her intentions  absolute coquetry ( VIII)
@  Obliged to remain till "something better in view " ( II )  
@ "Art" as reason that prevails; " since he will be stubborn he must be tricked " ( VIII )
@ "Artlessness will never do in love matters" ( XIX ) 
@  Why is Susan esp cheerful and delightful through every major crisis? By no visible mark of anguish?

 " She was met with such an easy and cheerful affection, as made her almost turn from her with horror. No remembrance of Reginald, no consciousness of guilt, gave one look of embarrassment; she was in excellent spirits, and seemed eager to show at once by ever possible attention to her brother and sister her sense fo their kindness, and her pleasure in their society ! " Our answer is first, maybe she adapts the new life with both wealth and romance so well that she does not need to intervene or having any imposition on others' opinion; secondly, she is acting again by showing her nonchalant and forgiveful attitude with the environment.
In my opinion, Lady Susan although appears to be so wicked, uncanny, unvirtuous, and artful , she does have an admirable determination and strong will in living in the society as such !! While necessity and freedom contradict in our lives, what do we choose? We always think we are so good that we will not behave like her; however, she perhaps is the best role model in survival skills who would ultimately attain the best interests for herself and her offspring, at least in this lifetime. Well, Samsara is such a cruel and suffering trap , or wheel you may say,  that it is so ostentatiously difficult to escape from .... I can sympathize and have the empathy toward her with the least judgement, for she has a philosophy of being very rational and sensible at each moment in life! 

After this period, romanticism has prevailed the European Elite, emotion became the most profound theme for hundred year ....and personally, I do not value emotion much, for it is the main cause of human endless sufferings! To be noted,  emotion signifies desire, anger, jealousy, and pride, as romantic love can be also classified as emotion ! However, true love is another genre !