Friday, January 23, 2015

Important message from HH Penor Rinpoche ~~~






Thursday, January 22, 2015

How to love?

Dzongsar khyentse Rinpoche ~~

~~~ 宗薩欽哲仁波切 
Not only Love, every thing is very temporary and ephemeral .
Drink your coffee as the last cup; read your book as the last one.
Not until you have this awareness, you cannot truly love and enjoy !
Otherwise, we will alway worry about the next event, and we will never be able to enjoy the moment !!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

H. H. Penor Rinpoche ~~~

Every appearance and every event are the mind’s miraculous display. In the spacious expanse, I see nothing to fear. It is just reflexive radiance Of mind’s clear light, and nothing else. Hence there’s no reason to react. All activity is my adornment. Therefore, better to rest silently In meditative absorption. Yeshe Tsogyal

California Cult Wine Dinner ~~

Chinese Red ~

Lady of the Lotus Born ~~~

  1. “Listen, faithful Tibetans!  I am merging with the fundamental, the ground of all that is—physical pain and suffering are disappearing….  The son, the inner elements of my body, is reuniting with the mother, the outer elements.  Her physical remains will disappear into earth and stone.”
  2. “I, Yeshe Tsogyal, am the sovereign of cyclic existence and its transcendence.  If you recognize me, I live in the minds of all beings; I emanate as the natural elements and sense-fields; And I emanate further through the twelve links of dependent origination.
  3. Though primordially we are not separate, not recognizing me, you experience me externally.”
  4. “Wherever there is space, five elements pervade, Wherever the five elements, the homes of living beings, Wherever living beings, karma and defilements, Wherever is defilement, my compassion also.  Wherever is the need of beings, there I am to help them.”
  5. “Through the power of spreading the Buddhist teachings, May the lineage holders and Dharma teachers flourish May all beings live in happiness; and May all realms be pure.”
  6. “Through my body, speech, and mind, In the realms of those to be guided appropriately, To tame them however necessary, May immeasurable emanation bodies arise.”
  7. “By the blessings of his wisdom body, speech, and mind, May my body, speech, and mind ripen and, In the profound development and completion phases of meditation, May I receive empowerment and then practice.”
  8. “Afterwards, I abided evenly in the view of the Great Perfection beyond all action, and as the experience dawned on me wherein all phenomena are extinguished in the nature of reality, I was perceived in various forms according to the needs of beings.” 
  9. “To the hungry I was heaps of food and all good things, and thus I brought them joy.”
  10. To the cold and freezing I was fire and sun-warmth, thus their joy.
  11. “To the poor and needy I was wealth and riches, thus their joy.”
  12. “To the naked I was every kind of raiment, thus their joy.”
  13. “To the childless I was sons and daughters, thus their joy.”
  14. “To those who craved a woman, I became a lovely girl and thus their joy.”
  15. “To those who sought a lover, I was a handsome youth and thus their joy.”
  16. “To those who wanted magic powers, I gave prowess in the eight great siddhis, and thus I brought them joy.”
  17. “To the sick I was their remedy and thus their joy.”
  18. “To the anguished I was all their mind desired, and thus I was their joy.”
  19. “To those hard pressed by punishments of kings, I was the loving friend to lead them to the land of peace, and I was thus their joy.”
  20. “To those in fear of savage beasts, I was a haven, thus their joy.”
  21. “To those who fell into the depths, I was their drawing out and thus their joy.”
  22. “To those tormented in the fire, I was a quenching stream and thus their joy.”
  23. “To those in prey to any of the elements, I was their medicine and thus their joy.”
  24. “For those who could not see, I was their eyes and brought them joy.”
  25. “And for the halt and crippled I was feet and thus their joy.”
  26. “I was a tongue for those who could not speak, and thus I brought them joy.”
  27. “To those in fear of death I granted immortality, and thus I was their joy.”
  28. “I led the dying on the path of transference and brought them joy.”
  29. “To those who wandered in the bardo state, I was their yidam, bringing them to joy.”
  30. “I cooled the burning heat and warmed the cold of those lost in the realms of hell.”
  31. “Howsoever they were tortured, I changed myself to shield them, being thus their joy.”
  32. “To those who lingered in the land of hungry ghosts, I was their food and drink and thus their joy.”
  33. “I was freedom from stupidity and servitude for those caught in the wordless state of beasts — and thus I brought them joy.”
  34. “Those beings born in savage lands — I turned them from barbarity and brought them joy.”
  35. “I was a truce from war and strife for the asuras and was thus their joy.”
  36. “The gods I guarded from their bitter fall and I was thus their joy.”
  37. “I shielded all from everything that tortured them and was their every joy.”

Most Romantic Wedding ~~~

Jay Chou ~~~

Claudio Abbado Legacy ~~~

My Goddess , Martha Argerich and Claudio Abbado Legacy since 1968 ~~~ 

Featuring Chopin concerto , Ravel Concerto … and more on Gramophone 5 CDs

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The most beautiful nature in motion ~~~~

 Impermanence  makes awesomeness !!

此 video是一瑞典人,他是位異人。在2012年8-10月間一共3次爬上瑞士最有名的高山El Matterhorn
(高4477,5公 尺)。
為了拍製此片,他曾夜宿高2700公尺,攝氏零下12º C之處,在此處無城市燈光污染,天空無比的原美!


Meteo Shower ~~

Monday, January 12, 2015

Cling on to the rules and to the past is not Buddha Nature at all ~~~

Inhibition , Conservativeness, and Taboo separate us from our primordial wisdom , Buddha Nature. 壓抑禁令、守舊和禁忌,将我们和自己的本初善──也就是佛性──分離。~~Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

Let the music flow in your heart ~~~

Thank Everyone who participated in this fabulously artistic evening !

Best Reconstructive Surgeon in the World ~~~

Dr. Wai , the best world renown reconstructive surgeon , gave us a touching talk , who had saved thousands , not only their lives, but also their spirits , confidences and souls. Impressive kind heart !  

 I enjoyed his talk very much , which inspired me having more confidence in Taiwan's medical practice . Beside his technology excellency, he is such a compassionate doctor who truly cares . We are so lucky and I am so happy to know him through his beloved daughter ! 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

An assertive gaze ~~~

When your heart dwells on emptiness,
there is no emotional attachment, no disturbance, no thoughts ....
H.E. Mugsang Kuchen Rinpoche 
you are focused and having full awareness...
you are being with your own nature of mind....
your consciousness has only one point of reference...
Emptiness, Space...
or no reference at all ....

You are at the meditational Shamata stage …