Friday, September 27, 2024

Can Autoimmune Disease be Cured?

"The Autoimmune Cure by Sara Szal Gottfried, MD "

This is my own note, not a formal critique or summary,  after reading  New York Times best-seller author Dr. Sara Szal Gottfried's newest book, "The Autoimmune Cure ", which focuses on how trauma, heredity, food, and environmental factors trigger our immune system to attack our own body, and how to obtain good health and longevity by preventing it and to cure the disease. 

Medical Terms: 

Ch1:  hysterectomy, fibromyalgia, Psychosomatic, Rheumatologist, Rheumatoid, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, psoriasis, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, myositis, Precision medicine, serotonin, duloxetine, Cymbalta, Psychedelics, Hygiene hypothesis, 

to be continued...

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

What is the Most Important Book in Life to Read !?


Inspirational quotes from the " Four Agreements " by Don Miguel Ruiz :

The dream you are living is your own perception! You can create heaven and you can create hell . You will perceive love from everything including yourself , using your imagination to creat a new dream !You can be free of conflict and fear , you are free to be yourself ! Let go of any judgement and fear , you do not have need to be loved or accepted You are not afraid to loose anything,you love yourself just as you are ! You can live in bliss ! You are perceiving love and the world is perfect !
All reactions:
Angelina Lee

1 Everything is made of light, and the space in between isn't empty. Everything that exists is one living being, and that light is the messenger of life. Because it is alive and contains all the information. 

2. Everything in existence is a manifestation of the one living being we call God! Everything is God. Everything is a mirror that reflects light and creates images of that light, and the world of illusion, the Dream. Is just like smoke which does not allow us to see what we are. 

3. The real us is pure love, pure light. Everyone dreams, but without awareness and without knowing what they really are. The smoke is the Dream, and the mirror is you, the dreamer. 

4. Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see..... John Lennon

5. If you can begin to live your life with these agreements, the transformation in your life will be amazing. You will be creating a new dream, free from fear and illusion! 

6. Four Agreements: 

   @ Be Impeccable with Your word 

    @ Don't take anything personally 

    @ Don't Make Assumptions

    @ Always Do your Best 

7. The Word is a force; it is the power you have to express and communicate, to think, and thereby to create the events in your life. You can Speak. Why can't we be ourselves? Why is this human fee? Because his human does whatever he or she wants to do , who is completely wild, just like a flower, a tree, or and animal that has not been domesticated, WILD! 

8. There is no need to blame your parents or anyone who abused you in youf life, including yourself. But it is time to stop the abuse. It is time to free yourself of the tyranny of the Judge by changing the foundation of your own agreements. It is time to be free from the Role of the Victim !!! 

9. The real you is still a little child who never grew up. When you feel happy, Sometimes that little child comes out when you are having fun or playing, when you are painting or writing poetry or playing the piano, or expressing yourself in some way . It is the freedom we are looking for. The freedom to be ourselves, to express ourselves, living our lives to please ourselves. 

10 The first step toward personal freedom is "Awareness" ! We need to be aware that we are not free in order to be free. The freedom we seek is to use our own mind and body to likve our own life, instead of the life of the belief system !! Be the Warrior, the warrior is the one who rebels against the invasion of the parasite. 

11. Hell and heaven is a place that exists within our mind ! 

12. The second step is to stop feeding the parasite, which means we have to  gain control of our emotions, we have to refrain from fueling the emotions that come from fear ! Emotions make us suffer, such as hate, anger, envy, doubt, and sadness.  ( add desire and longing ...) To resolve this, we must "forgive" those we feel have wronged us, not because they deserve to be forgiven, but because we love ourselves so much we don't want to keep paying for the injustice!! 

13 Forgiveness is the only way to heal !! We can choose to forgive because we feel compassion for ourselves. First, we need to forgive our parents, our brothers, our sisters, our lovers, our friends... and God! Once you forgive God, the creator, or Budhha, or the universe, you can forgive yourself. Once you forgive yourself,the self-reflection in your mind is over, Self-acceptance begins, and the self-love will grow so strong that you will finally accept yourself just the way you are. 

14 When someone can touch what used to be a wound and it no longer hurts you, then you know you have truly forgiven! 

13. The third solution is called the initiation of the DEAD. To take death itself as our teacher. What the angel of death can teach us is how to be truly alive. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

What is the Best Netflix film in 2024

Last night, I was in the depths of despair and a hopeless downturn when a recent film, NYAD, sparked an illuminating light in my deep consciousness. By immersing myself in Nyad's steadfast will, this cinematic masterpiece has ignited the flame of aspiration within my soul, reminding me that renouncing my dreams is never a resolution but a defeat in life! Dreams have no expiration date, regardless of your age and status! Let the message infused by Nyad resonate in our ears, becoming a beacon of hope for pursuing our long-held aspirations!"

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Enchanted White Wine

A Special French White wine tastes like Burgundy Red with flowery and forest aromas , delicate and delicious 


Monday, October 2, 2023

Best Movie of 2023 ? The Creator

The newly released science fiction film " The Creator " has embarked on a risky and opposite perspective of the mainstream , which predicted that humanity will be dominated and destroyed by generated artificial intelligent robots; on the contrary ,  the human beings in the film, play the role of demolishing the entire existence of Artificial Intelligence! 

In addition to all the astonishing visual effects including explosions of an entire city and base station, and war actions between humans and AI, the film challenged several philosophical concepts we homo sapiens contemplated for thousands of years. What is it to be human? Can I play the role of God and the governance of the universe? Are we the only sentient and emotionally rational beings on earth? Does Artificial Intelligent Robot have the right to live? Are AI robots going to become another advanced race that we humans become inferior, not only mentally, and physically, but also morally? 

I like the film very much, for its courage to explore the boundaries and conceptions that human beings manifest their own selfishness and cruelty and will sacrifice whatever it takes to savor its own survival because AIs are merely programs, despite of emotional bondings formed with AIs. AIs may establish more empathy and emotional feelings compared with human beings, and if they can learn, reason, and have emotions, we human beings are no different than them other than the ability to biologically reproduce. Yet, machines can reproduce repeatedly by all means. 

 I also like the notion that you can download human's brain wave memories into a chip, in order to recreate an emulated AI model of yourself. It is probable that the human race and the AI race can coexist on Earth peacefully and mutually benefit each other. 

The title of the film "CREATOR" , meaning the creator of the AI race, which will be examined and compared with the religious human creator GOD in time. Alphie, the most dangerous and ultimate weapon created by the CREATOR, has the caliber to control animals' behavior, and to control the electrical systematic power, and may also have the capacity to connect the entire Artificial Intelligence altogether. The only question that humans would distinguish themselves from AI  is whether we have souls and can humans exist without physical bodies?  

Thursday, April 27, 2023


 ❤️Title : 淺淺的還是深深的感覺?








「小時候, 鄉愁是一枚小小的郵票, 我在這頭, 母親在那頭。 












大陸在那頭。 」






















Fearless !!

 Use your smile to change the world , and do not let the world change your smile !!

I am fearless !!!! 

Live fearlessly !!! 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Art in Wine Culture ~~ Provocative

 🍷2006 Mouton Rothschild 

Artist :  Lucian Freud 

2006 was a hot and dry year full of surprises weather  for vineyard growth and the harvest time came in 5th of October ,later than usual . 

The color of this 2006 wine appeared Attractive and Cherry red , and beside the berry fruit sensation, the expression of milky creamy note and toasted aroma w  with oak  signified the character of this vintage .  

Artist Lucian Freud (1922--2011 ) , born in Berlin later raised in London, grandson of the founder of Psychoanalysts Sigmund Freud, a non traditional artist who defied the common notion of contemporaries. Freud was known for his realistic portrait paintings including Elizabeth II, the Queen of England and the highest price living artist painting sold in 2008 auction ! At his early age, he was influenced by surrealism, but later he did not follow the trends of his contemporaries searching for symbolic, abstract and conceptual , but he remains his foremost unique style by depicting his family members, friends and surroundings with vigorous strokes and powerful expressions in violent volumes,  and a lot of times, in explicitly and provocatively realistic  portrait and nudity, for instance" Portrait of Francis Bacon " "Girl with White Dog", "Benefits Supervisor Sleeping "  and "Kate Moss ".   

He never shied away from Flesh and physical body, of which Freud never considered beautifying the figurecomplexion and appearance of the posing model, because realism was his token and belief.  His highly praised talent of observation and analysis on one's character and disposition was manifested in his paintings, as the viewer  may feel the presence of this person on the portrait speaking to him with emotions and expression. Nevertheless, he may have stimulated the viewers with some tormented feelings after viewing his art works, his distinctive fame surged in his mature years after 1980s, for his true revelation of human figure and portraits. In 1987-88, a travelling exhibition of his works in Washington, Paris, London and Berlin confirmed his position at the leading edge of contemporary figurative realism.  

 Mouton Routhschild commissioned Lucian Freud to paint the 2006 label and he intentionally transcribed his drinking pleasure and joy into this particular label that the grape vines transformed into a spring palm tree and the goat into a zebra. Zebra is sniffing the palm tree as if the desire , anticipaton and excitement of the animal to enjoy the wine was so fantastic and beyond reality, so that in showing in a  colorful and comic matter.

2006 年是個又熱又乾燥的一年,氣候充滿驚喜,葡萄藤成熟的晚,十月5日才收成,比往年晚。


本年度畫家:盧西安·弗洛伊德(1922--2011),出生於柏林,後在倫敦長大,是精神分析學家西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)創始人的孫子,弗洛伊德是一位挑戰當代普遍觀念的非傳統藝術家。 弗洛伊德以其寫實肖像畫而聞名,包括英國女王伊麗莎白二世和 2008 年拍賣會最高價畫作的在世畫家! 早年受到超現實主義的影響,但後來他並沒有追隨同時代人追求象徵性、抽象性和概念性的潮流,但他仍然保持著自己最獨特的風格,以充滿活力的筆觸描繪家人、朋友和周圍環境。 他粗暴的力量表達,顕現在明確及現實的人像及裸體中,例如弗朗西斯培根的肖像”“帶白狗的女孩福利主管睡覺凱特莫斯

 他從不迴避肉體和身體,弗洛伊德從不考慮美化模特兒的身材,皮膚及外表,因為現實主義是他的信條和信仰。 他對一個人的細節和個性的觀察和分析能力得到了高度評價,在他的畫中得到了體現,因為觀眾可能會感覺到這個人在肖像上的存在,用情感和表情對他說話。 觀眾在觀看他的藝術作品後可能還是有痛苦的感受,感官體驗刺激,儘管如此,他在1980年代後的成熟歲月中對人物和肖像的真實展現,仍然聲名鵲起。  1987-88 年間,他在華盛頓、巴黎、倫敦和柏林的巡迴展覽,更確定了他在當代「具象現實主義」的引領地位。

Mouton Routhschild 委託盧西安·弗洛伊德為 2006 年的酒標作畫,他有意將他的飲酒樂趣和喜悅轉錄到這個特殊的標籤上,葡萄藤變成了春天的棕櫚樹,山羊變成了斑馬。 斑馬嗅著棕櫚樹,彷彿動物享受美酒的渴望、期待和興奮是那麼的奇妙,超乎現實,從而呈現在一個色彩斑斕、滑稽可愛的事物中。

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Best Art Films in 2020 ! Review of " Burnt Orange Heresy "

How do you value a piece of artwork?  

By the auction tag? by the art critiques manufactural words of appraisal and propaganda? by historical and cultural value? by your willingness of value to acquire it? or by the momentum of an economic supply and demand curve? 

In the Art world, these influential factors to determine the worth of a piece of art can be forcefully manipulated by men, which is a bit of surprise for me, not only for its moral inappropriateness, and also for the vicious insult to the genuine nature of Art itself. 

We often see paintings traded at a monumental price at an auction house, such as Sotheby's and Christie's, especially contemporary artworks without our complying with the logic and argument of its delicacies, beauty, conceptual meaning, and its historical and cultural position notwithstanding. How did this outlandish phenomenon exist in the 21-century modern world, known for its age of intelligence and reasoning? Will this fanatic circumstance perpetuate for long?  

In the stock market,  a stock price should surge, for its promising current and future earning, based on expecting foreseen real numbers in finance; however, in the art world, the stories of future flourishing and promising can only be calculated and manifested in time, a very long period of time, maybe one century or more hundreds of years. If the Artwork should be cherished in history, this should be worth millions for certain. But on the contrary, if this Artwork is only a popular trend without depth or beauty, that people should abandon it like a piece of magazine paper later in time! The question of worth and value can only rely upon how much you appreciate this piece of work by understanding and relating your own experience to its presentation, in my opinion !! You are the one who bestows the value of the Art to the special one, while you give it meaning and life to it. Because you love it, it is worth billions for now, in your lifetime. 

Having concluded the above psychological argument in mind, I personally start to understand the deep meaning of this 2020 film " Burnt Orange Heresy", featuring Claes Bang, Elizabeth Debicki, Mick Jagger, and Donald Sutherland. Ostensibly, based on the same name novel by Charles Willeford, for this is not merely a Noir thrill story amidst the upper-class and art dealer world, but a philosophical and controversial one. 

The Cinematography of the film has shaped the entire atmosphere, as artistic, romantic, mysterious, chic, and manipulative as it was illustrated, which was done in Milan and Lake Como, Italy, is a brilliant success. Although some reviewers complained some of the dialogues seem too pretentious, the thrill of murderous ending diminished, and the film finished with a hanger of the truth and mockery. 

Back to reality, in comparison to the recent Netflix documentary  " Ann Freemann", portraying a criminal art dealer of New York selling fake art, this film "Burnt Orange Heresy" has surfaced villains, dilemmas, and ugliness, and truth within the Art world amidst upper society. If you wish to see a real thrill movie, you may be a bit disappointed, but if you would like to peek through the possible turmoil of the Art industry, you may find this film fascinating !! 

#movie #film  #art #Aucion #Gallery #Thrill #Elizabeth Debicki #DonaldSutherland #BurntOrangeHeresy #imove #ClaesBang  #moviecollection 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Enjoy a new Mulan !!!

My favorite childhood historical tale is in Theater now !!!

Loyalty, Bravery, and True are the three profound virtues manifested in the new Disney live-action movie, Mulan, of which I was superlatively entertained by its beautiful photographic sceneries, filmed in mainland China, and New Zealand, and the extraordinary performance of Liu Yifai, in addition to the reminiscent and new invented music soundtrack!

It is not a perfect cinematic piece, due to some historical background discrepancies, but the everlasting legendary story of a Heroine extolling the praisable values of Piety, and Loyalty, expanding beyond traditional gender taboos, had successfully exclaimed the worth of this film.
As tormented and disappointed as many people who poignantly criticize this new version of Mulan in comparison with the original Musical Animation Mulan 1988, this new Mulan eliminates an important character Li Yi , who was Mulan's military companion and a romantically insinuated character, also mentioned in the old Chinese Poem describing this beautiful legend. Disney replaces two characters, the General Dong and Mulan's companion Houng Hui instead of Li Yi , and eliminate the romantic implications. In my opinion, romance is not the main theme of this legend, but Virtues , I personally do not mind much, since political correctness is so emphasized at present moment, Disney has complied with the concern to eliminate the romance within the army.

The notion of being true to yourself , awakened by the true Chi, symbolized by the Firing Flying Pheonix, brandishes throughout the entire story. The character development of Mulan lies upon her willingness to confess with her true identity of a Female warrior instead of hiding behind a psudomale appearance. As soon as she exemplifies herself as loyal, brave and truthful, her powerful caliber is beyond measure. Women can be so paramount powerful, even more than men, as in Mulan portriated, and this is why this story becomes my favorite childhood Legend.

Enjoy the Show !!
#Cinema #historicaltales #Mulan #劉亦菲 #李連杰 #鞏俐 #甄子丹 #花木蘭 #YifeiLiu #Disney #favoritestory #film #femaleheroine 😍

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

My Doll Went for an Adventure !

“At 40, Franz Kafka (1883-1924), who never married and had no children, walked through the park in Berlin when he met a girl who was crying because she had lost her favourite doll.
“She and Kafka searched for the doll unsuccessfully. Kafka told her to meet him there the next day and they would come back to look for her.
“The next day, when they had not yet found the doll, Kafka gave the girl a letter ‘written’ by the doll saying ‘please don't cry. I took a trip to see the world. I will write to you about my adventures.’
“Thus began a story which continued until the end of Kafka's life. During their meetings, Kafka read the letters of the doll carefully written with adventures and conversations that the girl found adorable.
“Finally, Kafka brought back the doll (he bought one) that had returned to Berlin.
"It doesn't look like my doll at all," said the girl.
Kafka handed her another letter in which the doll wrote: ‘my travels have changed me.’ The little girl hugged the new doll and brought her happy home.
A year later Kafka died.
“Many years later, the now-adult girl found a letter inside the doll. In the tiny letter signed by Kafka it was written:
"Everything you love will probably be lost, but in the end, love will return in another way."

Friday, March 27, 2020

Where is the wishlist resort in Taiwan ?

Angel 來到星野谷關,
Entrance ~~~ 
Among Bamboo Forest and quiet winding streams, I found my heavenly heartwarming White Valentines here ~~💕

Library area 

Swimming Pool Garden 

 My room with a big window !!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Pondering ~~

New Year Delight 2020

Best Valentines Spot !!

The best thing about this restaurant is that it opens until 2:00am in the morning, as it is so difficult to find a good restaurant and bar where opens until late night hours in Taipei !! 

Front Door 
On top of 47th floor in one of the skyscraper buildings Nan Shan Breeze in Taipei, the newly opened French restaurant Mirawan, meaning Miracle Taiwan, with chef Josh Cheng used to work at the top 50 best Restaurants La Mour, is bringing us a romantic and chic atmosphere with spectacular broad night view, while the savvy, delicious, eye-catching and innovative dishes with French authenticity did not at all fail our scrupulous palate!! 




Friday, December 6, 2019

The most beautiful Blue is here !!

Life on the ship !!

Where is The most artistic city in Mediterranean ~

好像走進 Medici 家族的興盛,
Michelangelo 為藝術而生的情景⋯⋯

傍晚我們在一個小教堂內聆聽Opera Love Duet , 
很文青很藝術 ! 

Florence , the birth city of Renaissance, of Medici , Da Vinci and Michelangelo, of art and science , of the revitalizing of the western civilization, where I don’t mind visiting again and again ~~

We also visited the 3 Star Michelin Italian Restaurant Monte-Carlo in Monaco, enchanted with all the luxury and delights the City offered !!